Ok, I went back to the "problem" house today. Didn't have to but it was bugging me.
What I am about to say doesn't really convince me that I fixed anything but here goes.
I first took the jumper loose from the EGC bar in the subpanel but left it clipped to the metal roof
Still had voltage but only about 85V. I figure between a loose connection on the alligator clip and the length of the jumper is why it was lower than 120V
This time instead of turning the feeder breaker off I just turned off the pool pump motor.
The voltage remained
I noticed that the breaker directly under the pump motor breaker didn't look all the way off so I checked and it had voltage. When I (quickly) looked yesterday it appeared off. But since I had time today I checked it more closely. The breaker is a GFCI so I hit the test button and no trip. So I turned it off, which was hard to do as I think it had corrosion inside. Anyway, when I turned it off the voltage went away. I turned it back on to verify and the voltage returned. I again tried to use the test button but it didn't work. But I did notice it had a "buzzing" sound when I pushed the test button.
This breaker is for a pump that cleans the pool, like a vacuum. I disconnected the conductors and removed the breaker. I'm trying to figure out what or how this circuit could energize the roof. Only thing I see is the plumbing from the pump goes underground but it is PVC. But there is a gas line that is about 5' from it that goes underground. There is a gas stove on the top floor and the vent shown in the pictures is where that stove is. Thinking maybe the voltage got on the gas line and traveled up to the stove & up the vent.
Other thing I saw was the (normal silly) grounding done by phone/cable where they just drove a ground rod and tied their grounds to that. There is some phone/cable lines that run upstairs. But there is no service at the house as the HO doesn't need it because it's just a weekend/vacation home.
So, let's hear your thought on whether I found the fault or just a fluke that the voltage went away. Oh, and I did check line to ground & line to neutral on the feeder and it checked good. I may have left something out so ask if you have a question.
Side note... There were (3) GFCI breakers in the panel, one for pool pump, one for cleaner pump, and one for a receptacle. NONE of the GFCI breakers would work using the test button.