Voting Machine Charging and Storage

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Just reading this and it strikes me as silly. 800 machines that have to be kept powered during storage? Has this been done anywhere else and if so, how was that done? I'm going to assume it's just to keep the batteries up with no load on them (machine off) so periodic charging should the way to go. When they are deployed, there will never be 800 in one location so powering the few up at each polling place 2-1/2 hours before the polls open should be sufficient to have a full charge if they don't already.

Hal can’t disagree with the silliness, but they are firm in their processes I guess… It’s done in the current location with 675 machines, from what I’m told however the old machines do not have any of the technology of the new ones, which i understand are in effect a computer with touch screen on wheels… the old machines batteries are much smaller and chargers draw much less during charging. (From what I read the draw on the old machine is 6 mA verses the 1.4 amps per unit on new) Also the daisy chain limitation on the old units is almost not existent, at least from what I saw when I walked the site. In one section I think I counted 40-50 machines daisy chained together…

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Zbang available power is not really an issue… the main service is 4160v from the street and I believe the most local piece of gear I can use is 3000amp with plenty of play in the load…

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