Wall of Outlets/Art

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Atlanta, Georgia
A friend sent me this today, and I had to laugh.

Beyond the protests of "how do you baby-proof that!", I had to wonder if it challenges the NEC.

There isn't a limit to the # of receptacles on a circuit for a dwelling unit, unless I'm mistaken, but this is a bit nuts! :) Do the rules of the NEC bow to "art". *lol*

It can also be seen at

Have fun!
A friend sent me this today, and I had to laugh.

Beyond the protests of "how do you baby-proof that!", I had to wonder if it challenges the NEC.

There isn't a limit to the # of receptacles on a circuit for a dwelling unit, unless I'm mistaken, but this is a bit nuts! :) Do the rules of the NEC bow to "art". *lol*

I see no NEC violations, if this is a dwelling unit the receptacles must all be TRs.

I would like to see how the 'rough in' was done, I would proably use Wiremold G3000.
And to think most people go to great lengths to hide their entertainment-center cords.

I could think of better ways to spend my hard-earned money.
I question if it is real. Leaves me to wonder if it is real what boxes did they use and what did they use for wall studs, drywall ? An sure it was pain to wire and keep everything in line.
As far as number of circuits needed ,just 1 if residential.
that picture looks like a rendering to me. Look carefully at the male plugs and wall warts, they dont look right.
that picture looks like a rendering to me. Look carefully at the male plugs and wall warts, they dont look right.
I dunno. It looks pretty convincing to me.

I love the Ivory / White combo.

I agree with one 15 A AFCI ckt and TR receptacles. (unless this is in the Bath or Kitchen :roll:).

I wish someone would pay me to install a wall like this. . . . :grin:

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