Question 7: 780 CMR 3603.16.13 requires that an existing one- or two-family dwelling be provided with
a household fire warning system for new construction when one or more sleeping rooms are
added or created in the existing dwelling. What constitutes a bedroom under this Section?
Answer 7: The State Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS), as the Agency
promulgating the Massachusetts State Building Code, is the “AUTHORITY HAVING
JURISDICTION” (AHJ) regarding the interpretation of regulations of the State Building
Code andhas determined that it is the responsibility of the building owner or the agent of the
building owner to identify any new or newly created bedrooms or other space USES. If
submitted plans and/or narratives that describe the work intended identify such new additions
or newly created spaces as other than bedrooms then 780 CMR 3603.16.13 does not apply
(note that it is the “REGULATED COMMUNITY” and not the “REGULATOR” who
identifies, on plans and/or narratives submitted as part of the building permit application to
the Building Department, if a bedroom is being added or created).