wall space

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bill addiss

Senior Member
Re: wall space


The switch I saw was installed way after the finals, so no AHJ ever saw it.

This guy also had neon going up the railings of his stairways and an exposed terminal transformer sitting on the floor on each landing underneath a metal-legged chair. :eek:



Senior Member
Re: wall space

Only hope it's him that get's zapped.Would suggest he find another trade.And he might be dangerious to even change batteries in a 2 cell flashlight LOL.

bill addiss

Senior Member
Re: wall space


I don't know who did the switch in the step, but the Neon was done by the customer's sign guy, which is another example of someone outside their element. :(


bill addiss

Senior Member
Re: wall space


He was a Car Dealer/Collector and had a 3 car garage under the house with a Black Marble floor and mirrored walls and ceiling. There was a Porche and 2 other cars in there, a Rolling Bar, Stereo System and Neon signs all around the room. It was quite a sight. He liked everyone's reactions seeing it for the first time so the lights stayed on 24/7 and there was a clear plexi-glass door so you could see it as soon as you came down the stairs. $$$$ buys what it wants.



Inactive, Email Never Verified
Re: wall space

I have learned so much from this forum and yet am amazed that things that I take as "common" sense become topics with 40 - 50 replies. Our job as an electrical professional is hard enough without reading "gray areas " where there are none. Steps are steps and walls are walls
First of all, if you don't feel this type of topic is up to your standard and gets too many replies, don't add to the numbers by replying.

Second, "common sense" common sense tells me that wether you call this a step a wall or anything else, it WILL BE USED AS WALL SPACE . As I posted earlier we see this particular set-up in a lot of our homes, I've gone back for service calls plenty of times, and have seen not only lamps but E.T. centers against this so called step. Where do you think they get there power from. "Common Sense" tells me that I should put an outlet in, anywhere I know it will be needed. If I have to use your so called "gray areas" of the code to get it done, SO BE IT!

As far as cutting the outlet in. Have you ever heard of a floor outlet? Some of the models have a floor outlet in them, but it's an extra. It shouldn't be an extra it should be installed right away, and there should be 2 of them.

As far as the home owner calling in an electrician to add an outlet there later, GET REAL . After just moving into your new $200,000 house, who is going to pay an electrician $50/hr. to fish a wire from one of the existing outlets and add an outlet. "COMMON SENSE" tells me there going to send there husband to the nearest Home Depot, to get themselves a nice #18 extension cord, take that cord, lift up on the carpeting a little bit, tuck it under there nice, presto an outlet.

As an "electrical professional" I'd think it's my job to prevent this from happening.



Senior Member
Re: wall space

If everything was black and white there would not be a forum.To not put these recepticles in shows a lack of caring about anything other than dollars saved.


Senior Member
Re: wall space

Binney my post was not to inflame you. I agree as a proffessional if an outlet is needed then one should be put in. As far as a home owner putting in an extension cord after I am done, I can't stop that. I also cannot stop a home owner from decorating their home the way they want to. If the houses you mention all end up like this and you are selling the floor boxes and installing them as an extra, you the man. I cannot afford to install floor boxes for the same price as a regular box in the wall. I have however over the years learned that if you see something during construction that will make the home owner happier when it's done, make the suggestion sell the job and put a little extra into your pocket. However if you take it upoun yourself to make a change and then expect to be paid, look out.
Just out of curiosity what is everyones going rate for a floor box with a recpticle?
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