Warning - Defective GFI receptacles

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mdshunk said:
??? That's my brand, and the new generation of GFCI's have been out for months and months now. I have noticed zero problems among the one's that I use.

I replaced two of them last Friday.
I purchased some low voltage recessed light fixtures from RT Electrical Distributors about two years ago. When power was turned on to the house, the transformers hummed quite loudly. RT refused to replace the fixtures or compensate for labor. That fiasco cost me about $1,500. I will never do business with them again.

I should also point out that their weather proof boxes are thin like paper.
dSilanskas said:
How interesting I have noticed that the new P&S GFCI's wont trip either!!! Try it if you install one try to trip in you can't! I thought it was just the GFCI that I had installed but no its every GFCI!
This could very well be but the big difference is that when you place a call to your distributor or to P&S you'll get someone on the other end of the phone that really cares and will stand behind the product, replace the product or refund your money. If you try calling RT Electrical Distributors, as I did, you would be lucky to get a return phone call. It seems they're interested in sales only and not problems.
mdshunk said:
The Consumer Products Safety Commission is interested in stories like yours.
Thanks Marc. I filed a complaint. Anyone have a similar link to UL ?


were are we headed?

were are we headed?

These are all great concerns! Maybe we are all victims of NAFTA! I once purchased a case of ge breakers only to find that the set screws for the circuit conductors were smooth, no way to turn the screw! Last week I had 3 disconnects to mount on the wall and was trying to do it "in a workmans like" fashion, the problem was there was nothing "square" about square D's product! And I noticed "made in Mexico"!! I have always like Square D panels etc. because I think they have some of the best sheetmetal work, but now I wonder.When there are life safety concerns is when you really wonder where is the quality control??? How many afcis are we going to discover that are not working in the months ahead??
dSilanskas said:
How interesting I have noticed that the new P&S GFCI's wont trip either!!! Try it if you install one try to trip in you can't! I thought it was just the GFCI that I had installed but no its every GFCI!
Maybe your tester is defective?
A Google search turned up some interesting stuff, but nothing about defective GFCIs.



R.T. Electrical Distributors, Inc. R.T. Electrical
Distributors, Inc.
a.k.a. RT Electrical Distributors a.k.a. RT Electrical
a.k.a RST Electrical Distributors, Inc. a.k.a. RST
Electrical Distributors, Inc.
a.k.a. R.S.T. Electrical Distributors a.k.a. R.S.T.
Electrical Distributors
a.k.a. R S T Holdings Co. a.k.a. R S T
Holdings Co.
1217 Spruce Avenue 1221 Pine Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32824-7935 Orlando, Florida
Attention: Ronald S. Tridico, Jr., Owner Attention:
Ronald S. Tridico, Jr. Owner
Susan Frymyer, Director
Susan Frymyer, Director

R.T. Electrical Distributors, Inc.
a.k.a. RT Electrical Distributors
a.k.a. RST Electrical Distributors, Inc.
a.k.a. R.S.T. Electrical Distributors
a.k.a. R S T Holdings Co.
8870 Boggy Creek Road, Suite 100
Orlando, Florida 32824-7915
Attention: Ronald S. Tridico, Jr., Owner
Susan Frymyer, Director

RE: EB-04-TC-026

Dear Correspondents:

This is an official CITATION, issued pursuant to section
503(b)(5) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the
Act), 47 U.S.C. ? 503(b)(5), for violations of the Act and the
Federal Communications Commission's rules that govern telephone
solicitations and unsolicited advertisements.1 As explained
below, future violations of the Act or Commission's rules in this
regard may subject your company to monetary forfeitures.

It has come to our attention that your company apparently
sent one or more unsolicited advertisements to telephone
facsimile machines in violation of section 227(b)(1)(C) of the
Act and section 64.1200(a)(3) of the Commission's rules. Under
these provisions, ``it shall be unlawful for any person within
the United States, or any person outside the United States if the
recipient is within the United States . . . to use a telephone
facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send an
unsolicited advertisement to a telephone facsimile machine.'' 2
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LarryFine said:
Maybe your tester is defective?
Another possibility... hopefully this one would be obvious, but you never know -- is it possible there is no grounding wire, and that is why the tester isn't working?
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
A Central Florida man who crashed his new $400,000 Lamborghini
Note the care taken to ensure that the plastic wrap on the window was color-matched. :roll:
Thanks for the heads up Goldstar and THANK YOU for having the balls to name names.

So often people are afraid to to do this.
Just to let you all know what a real class act I'm dealing with, I was contacted on wednesday morning by the sales representative for RT Electrical Distributors that I've been dealing with and he tells me that they have finally located the package I sent back almost 4 weeks ago (this was a small package with four defective GFI's that I sent back at my expense). He tells me that his engineering dept had tested them and found them to be defective and he will be crediting my account for the four defective devices (no mention of the shipping charges I incurred). Then he has the nerve to ask if I have any others when he already knew that I had about 75 units in stock awaiting his return authorization.

Believe me when I say this, but the amount of frustration you will encounter dealing with this company is not worth the small amount of money you think you may have saved by purchasing their products. This is a Marketing 101 disaster drill on how to lose a customer in 3 easy steps.
goldstar said:
Believe me when I say this, but the amount of frustration you will encounter dealing with this company is not worth the small amount of money you think you may have saved by purchasing their products. This is a Marketing 101 disaster drill on how to lose a customer in 3 easy steps.

I would not even think of buying from this company even before I've read this. The flyer I get with the prices listed screams garbage products. There is a reason the stuff is cheap. Also I need to know that I can bring something back and drop it on the counter and say no good give me another one.
mtnelectrical said:
but how the heck could they have their product to be UL listed?
Two possibilities I can think of:

1) False listing
2) Provide working versions for the test (FPE did this quite well until it caught up with them)
Purchased 3 GFIs from a major supply house today.
They were Chinese (this is all they sell now), made with that writing on the box that was obviously written by a translator.
Installed them and could not get any of them to trip.
Went to the orange store, purchased a three pack of Levitons and called for final inspection because they all worked.
This branded material is getting old quick.
The whole time I was installing them, I thought about this thread.
Instead of listening, I went ahead and installed them.
Shame on me and shame on the supply house.
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electricmanscott said:
I would not even think of buying from this company even before I've read this. The flyer I get with the prices listed screams garbage products. There is a reason the stuff is cheap. Also I need to know that I can bring something back and drop it on the counter and say no good give me another one.
I know exactly what you mean but if you saw these devices you would agree they looked as if they were made well irrespective of the fact that they were made in China. I didn't purchase them on the blind. Another contractor friend of mine purchased them earlier in the year and I had a chance to sample them before making my purchase. They have both an "on" indicator light and an "end of life" indicator, they have "clamp-down" terminals and they looked as well as P & S or Levitton.

The real problem is dealing with a company that has no morals. I had a similar problem with Sunstar Lighting several years ago when Mike Holt published a news bulletin revealing the fact that their GFI's had UL labels put on them but were never sent through UL. They immediately took back the GFI's I had in stock and replaced them with Cooper devices - no questions asked.

In the case of RT Electrical Distributors I can't believe there is anyone with brains down there. I gave them an entire month and a choice to act with dignity and respect. For a measily $350.00 + shipping they could have taken back the potentially defective units and made this go away. Instead they chose to ignore the problem hoping it would go away. Now they'll have to deal with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, UL and, with the help of the internet, any contractors I can possibly reach. You can't make this stuff up and you just can't get any dumber than this. Their entire line of products will suffer because of the attitude and actions of one stupid sales rep. Go figure.
mdshunk said:
??? That's my brand, and the new generation of GFCI's have been out for months and months now. I have noticed zero problems among the one's that I use.

I've also installed quite a few P&S in the past few months....no problems.

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