Warning for screws?

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I've always thought you coud wipe out 50% of the electricians if you poisioned wirenuts. Everyone I've worked with, at some point in time, will hold a wirenut in his mouth.
Actually if you tape a strip of 33 you can stick a bunch of wirenuts to it and just hold the strip of tape in your teeth. That way you cover the tape and the wirenuts all in one along with poisoning yourself with the tape....i'm sure according to Cali standards it'll kill ya too.:grin:
augie47 said:
I've always thought you coud wipe out 50% of the electricians if you poisioned wirenuts. Everyone I've worked with, at some point in time, will hold a wirenut in his mouth.

It would be quicker to infect the roll of black 33 hanging off his pouch. By the end of the day, there will be some of it covering an open wound.
480sparky said:
It would be quicker to infect the roll of black 33 hanging off his pouch. By the end of the day, there will be some of it covering an open wound.

I wonder if they make 33 in skin tone colors.:D

I would say most electricians on this site have used 33 more than once in lieu of a Band Aid. But be careful, when the finger cut gets wrapped to tight with that stretchy 33..


For burgers, if ur ever in University Park, Texas, on Hillcrest Ave. next to SMU is a hole in the wall place call Jack's Burger House, NOW THATS A BURGER. I go for the double double, fries w/ special seasoning and a coke, man that is tough to beat!
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Warning for screws

Warning for screws

I work with Jack and Wayne as maintenance electricians at a chemical plant here in Delaware. They went to school and have worked together for over 30 years. One day they were racing to be first in the handicap stall in the restroom. During the wrestling match, Jack,s flashlight falls out of his shirt pocket into the hopper. Wayne, (who also happens to be a germophobe) says "You can have it".
Two days later they were working together on a job and Wayne asks Jack for a flashlight.Jack knows exactly what Wayne is going to do and hands him his. Wayne places it in his mouth and continues to work. Suddenly he stops, takes it out of his mouth and says "Please tell me this is not the one that fell in the toilet." Jack was nearly on the floor from laughing.
Wayne gets back to his desk there,s a note on it (from me) saying "The plant nurse called and says your hepititis vacine has expired and to contact her right away." We still can't stop laughing about it.http://forums.mikeholt.com/images/icons/icon10.gif
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