Re: warranty work
We do a quiet "Christmas present" every year. We always seem to get a service call around Christmas from someone who has little and legitimately needs the work done. Typically, these folks have been brushed off by one or more other contractors. 2005's Christmas present customer was actually in tears when she called us because the first 11 (yes, 11) contactors she called wouldn't come. I found out later that one actually told her that they didn't come to that neighborhood because the residents were all "deadbeats." I was there for about an hour and a half. When she asked how much she owed, I said only, "Merry Christmas." She fed me, thanked me, and sent us a Christmas card. Oh, and 3 paying customers who called us because that sweet old woman told them what happened.
Bottom line: We are in business to make a living, but a little charity now and then often will increase that bottom line we worry about so much.