Was this performed by a licensed electrical contractor?

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Ive never understood why there has allways been such a big thing about the tandem (piggy back) breakers, the maker of the boxes say nothing about slapping in 100a breakers and mounting sub panels and loading with breakers, how could a few extra tandems every add up to that ?

I'd like to know too...
And, why have tandems for boxes that weren't designed for them if it is so bad?
I'd like to know too...
And, why have tandems for boxes that weren't designed for them if it is so bad?

Yea I thought thats why boxes have a main , to trip if overloaded , Just because a box has a lot of tandems in no way means that every breaker is loaded to max There could be a lot of circuits not often used or with light loads, but first thing a lot of electricians do when seeing a box with tandems is start telling H O how bad the box is already overloaded .
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