Currently, the 2020 NEC - this edition is good at least until early 2025
I would tab it; my favorite tab kit is E-Z Tabs
Tom Henry's Keyword Index
Ugly's Electrical Reference
Texas Instrument TI-30XA calculator
Current copy of the RCW/WAC documents: you must download these from LNI's website and can no longer purchase them from the state.
Key Term Index for The RCW / WAC by Paul Briganti
The above items are the minimum you would want to study with and take into your exam.
From your starting point, my minimum recommendations
One hour a day, three days a week. It does not matter what you study; just be in your materials
Read article 90 at least once a week - there is always one question from the article; you might as well get it right.
Read the "bolded" terms in the index at least once a week. [It will take you about an hour or so] Doing so will get you in touch with "code terms" and not industry terms. The test can be on both; you should know both.
About three weeks out from your test, two hours a day, five days a week. This is not the same as spending 10 hours watching your favorite sport on Sunday. Little bits of information over a long period of time will yield the best results.
Additionally, in regards to time spent studying. Based on brain science, the magic amount of study time is 22 minutes, then take a break. We remember best the information we start with and the information we finish with. You will retain more information by breaking down your study sessions.
This is the same monolog I preach to all of my students, honestly, the students who do what I tell them to do pass, the ones who don't fail.
Best of luck, you can do this; many folks have.
You are welcome to reach out to me should you have any questions.