I passed my admin exam the first time back when it was only given 4x a year, there was one question about a factory that was a doozy on the calcs portion. What helped is read the NEC from cover to cover.
1. The Mike Holt exam prep material is the best, per Mike do 10-20 hours per week and 100 questions
2. Get the PSI exam candidate material, get the correct RCW/WAC with all the updates (legislative version I think it is called)
3. Its open book so you will want the NEC, and a firms finder or uglys
4. I suspect that the monthly questions in the Currents "question of the month" come from the exam. Study those
5. Washington is getting ready to change the test to the 2023 version of the NEC, watch the currents and know when that is. But the questions don't change much from cycle to cycle.
6, Mike Holts exam prep questions may be close to whats on the PSI exam (many years ago I asked Mike to donate his test bank question to L&I which he did).
7. L&I removed the exam content section from the WACs during the last revision. If you have an old copy of the WAC that info was useful
8. Example questions in the back of the NEC as Electrofelon pointed out, are usefull
Are you taking the general administrator or specialty? If specialty know the scope of work allowed in 296-46B 920. For 02 (residential), do you understand why there are questions on hazardous locations?
You will be tested on what your scope of work is, not what you do on the job. Its a 70% passing, not a very high bar. Oregon is 75%. First time passing average score on 02 is 22% , which is not encouraging for our trade. First time passing average for Journeylevel is 55%