well horsepower ratings

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The water in the 1000 foot layer may be under quite a bit of pressure, such that the static water level is quite a bit higher. Think of an artesion well, which has water pouring out of the well casing after it is drilled.
Not sure what you are trying to get at here. Any well will have higher pressure the deeper you go, but the amount of power needed to lift the water only depends on how high above the "draw down level" you are pumping the water, whether your pump is 10 feet or 1000 feet deep. Pipe size will impact flow rate but not how much lift power is needed until you get above the draw down level.
Not sure what you are trying to get at here. Any well will have higher pressure the deeper you go, but the amount of power needed to lift the water only depends on how high above the "draw down level" you are pumping the water, whether your pump is 10 feet or 1000 feet deep. Pipe size will impact flow rate but not how much lift power is needed until you get above the draw down level.

What he is trying to get at is that there may not have been water at the 500 foot level until the well broke through at the 1000 foot level. You asked why drill to 1000 if there was water at 500. That is the answer.
The pump house has to have an exterior light over the man door, an interior light, a 110 volt outlet, a heat source, plus the pump circuit. And the pump house will require two ground rods. All inspected by L&I.

What is the code section for the following?
Exterior light
Interior light
Is a GFCI required for the 120 volt receptacle?
Heat source
Are two ground rods always required?
We did a well that was 1200' deep and 300" from the house. I believe the pump was either 5 hp or 7 hp... we ran a 2/0 copper. The well guy had a #1 or so coming out of the well.

My point is 1000' is deep and you will have voltage drop. I doubt #8 is good enough
What he is trying to get at is that there may not have been water at the 500 foot level until the well broke through at the 1000 foot level. You asked why drill to 1000 if there was water at 500. That is the answer.
but the amount of lift for the pump is only 500 feet plus however much draw down there is, regardless how far below 500 feet the pump is actually set at.
I'm just curious who contracted you originally to install the 30 amp circuit for the well?
Is this something you spelled out originally or did someone specifically ask for a 30 amp circuit?

Either way, if you've got that in writing one way or the other it would be an adder to upgrade it to what the well people require and it shouldn't be an issue.

I don't know why you'd want to step out on your own and undersize the feeder that they are asking for.

Seems you would be assuming the responsibility of the well equipment once you did that and with a 1000' well your pockets had better be "pretty deep" to take that responsibility on.


This is for a builder that builds homes for people that already have a lot. Everything outside of the home is up to the home owner to contract on their own. They have to get the temp power set up, service wire installed, well and septic systems installed etc. When I wire the house the builder has no idea what the home owner will need for power to their well so it is up to them to get me the specs before I wire the house. If they don't get anything to me before I wire it then they just get the standard 30 amp circuit for it. In the 5 years I have been wiring homes for this builder this is the first time I have seen a well this deep. This is very uncommon I'm assuming.
Common or uncommon depends on the area and its geology and land use. Always expensive to drill a well that deep.

Heavy agricultural water use in some areas has lowered the water table over the last 100 years to the point that deeper wells are now needed.
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