Well Pump Cycling

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
How often do the drives on a modern residential pump system cycle? Those with drives and not typical pressure switch.

I installed mine 14 years ago and bent over backwards to make it run longer than the 10 to 15 seconds it took to refill or bring the pressure up on the small pressure tank with shower and hose bib usage. Ten seconds between starts with about a minute run. From what I can tell, less than .5 hp most of the time. (1.5 hp). I have figured out that the sprinkler system relies on SFA to keep up even at 40 psi. Next pump will be bigger.
I looked at my system last summer but then was distracted as a bunch of hornets took up residence in my drive controller :(... I think they're all dead so may look at again. I have a 2HP pump with Franklin SubDrive. I vaguely recall the cycle time of fast ramp, stay on, ramp down was 20 to 30 seconds before repeating itself with one lawn sprinkler running. I was kind of surprised/dissapointed but realized that since you don't want to run < 30Hz for pump lubrication and the buffer tank is pretty small (~ 5 gallon?) this is probably the only solution. I imagine if I had two sprinklers, showers etc running and neighbor had same and was drawing full flow from the pump (~ 16 gpm) the motor would be happily churning out 3450 rpm. I guess I was sort of left asking is all this cycling really better than the less frequent across the line starting of standard pressure tank/switch system... I'm pretty sure it's better for the drive manufacturers and well hardware suppliers vs. pressure switch, tank and a contactor :)
What drive are you using? I'm familiar with the older Franklin subdrives, I mostly use the Pentair Intellidrive. Over 5 hp I use yaskawa drives.
What drive are you using? I'm familiar with the older Franklin subdrives, I mostly use the Pentair Intellidrive. Over 5 hp I use yaskawa drives.
I put in an Automation Direct before and was happy, so I tried the new version.
Works great as far as I can tell. Do some fine tuning tomorrow.
Steady stream out the faucet gives me a steady hz output. No cycling.

Did learn that 60 hz fills a 5 gallon pressure tank to about 80lbs in a heartbeat. Glad i was there with a stop command.
What steady Hz output with one steady stream? I am fairly sure I would be at < 30 Hz under those conditions and risk pump lubrication.
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