Electron manager
- Location
- NE Nebraska
- Occupation
- EC
People with nice homes can have money problems, but at same time (for any customer) you might fix something more critical like middle of winter if they won't have any heat unless you fix a certain problem. Otherwise some things just aren't necessary if you can't afford to pay for them at the time of purchase/installation, and tell them to call back when they do have the means to pay for those kind of things.Why on earth would you agree to something like that?
I've had guys that appear to have the $$$ to do most things they want, yet they are the ones that will refuse to pay you, or will hold off on paying you as long as they think they can, yet had people that don't have a lot that will pay whatever they can afford on a regular basis and they make sure they pay it off because they did appreciate what you have done. I even had a lady that moved away from the region before she had paid me what she owed and thought I would never see the rest of my money - she kept paying though until it was all paid off.