Western Mass Electric

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knot stable

Has anyone dealt with Western Mass Electric? There "book" of requirements seems to be pretty vague. I have to wire an addition for an inlaw and I need to remove the service off the house for the addition to go up.But I must keep the service energized. There is a power co. pole on the property and was wondering if I could mount my meter and disconnect to it? (30' to panel from pole)Just trying to get as much info before I start my phone calls.
Do keep in mind that if you mount the main on a pole that it will be called a structure and require ground rods as well as 4 wire to the house and another main disconnect. Very similar to a mobile home.
Peter, It's very vague compared to National Grids here in Rhode Island. It gives no specs that I can see on setting up a temp service mast. If one is needed. Then there is a section that says you can mount your equip on there pole but does not give any explaination when you can or not.
Peter, It's very vague compared to National Grids here in Rhode Island. It gives no specs that I can see on setting up a temp service mast. If one is needed. Then there is a section that says you can mount your equip on there pole but does not give any explaination when you can or not.

I'm familiar with the National Grid requirements as I live in a National Grid service area, quite close to you actually. ;)

I checked and the temporary service detail is on pages 66-67, at least on the online PDF version. As for mounting to a pole directly, it says it can be done on a privately owned pole, which would be very typical for say a farm. It doesn't sound like that's what you're dealing with though.
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