What are one-man operations earning per year?

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A rate should reflect the reality that nobody has 2,000 chargeable hours in a year unless they're awake until 2am doing bids regularly, and stopping in the evening and weekends to look at new prospective work.

I would guess that maybe 1,200-1,500 hours of chargeable work will be a yearly income
Good response , A good fully licensed contractor still has overhead , your doing work yourself the overhead is minimal tools , trips to supply a lot is relative to the job . These guys I know gouge the small homeowner ect thats where I would : especially when there not even fully legit .
Good response , A good fully licensed contractor still has overhead , your doing work yourself the overhead is minimal tools , trips to supply a lot is relative to the job . These guys I know gouge the small homeowner ect thats where I would : especially when there not even fully legit .
I wouldn't say they gouge people, they just charge what they feel is necessary. Go to a client for a couple hour job, you often end up killing half day for that job even if only on site for two hours. That is less billable hours than if you were on a single project all day.

One man operation has no paid holidays, no paid vacation or paid sick days. You want time off you typically make little or nothing during that time compared to a normal work day. If you are higher than the next firm, you need to sell yourself - maybe you do really good work and will be likely to have less callbacks (whether they cost client anything or not) can be one good selling point.
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