what do you say to these comments?

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Oh i forgot another one they say "I don't even make that much an hour" :happyno:

I don't either after all the bills are paid.

"well he bid it for almost half of what you did"

Can you give me his number, I need same thing done at my house:lol:

I am on a forum where posters periodically want to know where they can buy surgical supplies and antibiotics because doctors cost too much.

Do they also have the nerve to bring these supplies to the clinic or hospital and ask if they can use what they've picked up?

I was installing a wall bracket for tv and was about to tell the homeowner the final charge when his 10 year old blurts out about their trip to Mexico needless to say I had to adjust my price. I don't begrudge any one who earns a honest living but don't cry poor

How does where someone vacations effect your costs? I really don't care what someone drives, where they live or where they vacation. I charge enough to live my life the way I want to. I market more to some areas then others, but price isn't effected by who calls.

I know of kids that spent a lot of time working on fundraisers to take a trip with a school or church group, just because they went someplace does not mean they are loaded, maybe some relatives contributed some money so they could come see them or something - it happens. Mexico is not a great place to go to anyway from what I understand.
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"Any monkey can do it" True, but, unfortunately, I'm fresh out of monkees.

"The other guy charges less." I wish you success. Have a nice day.

"I can't afford it." Not my problem. The Amish do just fine without. BTW, I like your flat screen TV and nice sports car. Must be nice living in this great neighborhood. Call me when the job gets closer to the top of your list of priorities.

"Why so much?" Can't help you there. Why don't you try it - and call me when you begin to understand?

"Can you lower the price?" What can you do for me? Drive the ground rod- I'll lend you the tool- and I'll knock $100 off the service change.

"Doctors and lawyers charge less." Ever hear someone brag about "the deal" they got from the "cheap" doctor or lawyer they found? I wonder why not?

"Do it cheap and I'll send you more work." No hable, I need to vamoose, pronto. Adios. Hasta la clusterfuka.
Can you give me his number, I need same thing done at my house:lol:


That's what I told a guy one time. Back when I was charging $50 an hour the guy told me that he had another guy only charging $25 an hour. I told him to give me his number and I would have him go over to my house and do all of the work that I don't have time to do, because I'm so busy, and I'll still be making $25 an hour while getting my honey-do list done.
"Any monkey can do it" True, but, unfortunately, I'm fresh out of monkees.

"The other guy charges less." I wish you success. Have a nice day.

"I can't afford it." Not my problem. The Amish do just fine without. BTW, I like your flat screen TV and nice sports car. Must be nice living in this great neighborhood. Call me when the job gets closer to the top of your list of priorities.

"Why so much?" Can't help you there. Why don't you try it - and call me when you begin to understand?

"Can you lower the price?" What can you do for me? Drive the ground rod- I'll lend you the tool- and I'll knock $100 off the service change.

"Doctors and lawyers charge less." Ever hear someone brag about "the deal" they got from the "cheap" doctor or lawyer they found? I wonder why not?

"Do it cheap and I'll send you more work." No hable, I need to vamoose, pronto. Adios. Hasta la clusterfuka.

That's a pretty good list. The last one irritates me. I don't think a single person that said, "I'm always having work done," or any version of that has ever hired me to do more work. The people I do the most work with now never mentioned having more work in the future. They just hired me, paid me, then called me the next time they needed me.
"Do it cheap and I'll give you more work". I had 1 boss that turned that around. He said "we'll do this job at standard rates & give you a big break on the 2nd job".
I don't fault anyone with wanting a price, then deciding whether he can afford it or has to wait. Money is hard to come by for all of us. It is the manipulator I cannot stand.

Can you do better?


Better for me or better for you?

I always liked: "Time is money.....my time is your money".

Doesn't always seam to work that way, but I like the saying.
I've listened in on Home Depot clerks selling people greenfield whips for outdoor AC units and stepped in to remind them it's not approved for outdoor use. "Oh yea, that's right" is the reply, as they move down to Carlon whips.

I've repaired & reburied underground ckts buried 2 inches deep, bare cable. "The guy at HD said just bury it so it's covered with dirt". Fine until they forgot it was there & chopped it up with a garden spade.

I have reworked charred & burned wire/outlets that a BIL connected to a range outlet with 14/2.

I have reworked 3 way switches installed by a neighbor that would turn on 1 light while turning off another. SP switches that controlled 3 other rooms, in series with their own switches.

I have reworked switches that energized metal switch plates.

I have reworked a junction box that energized a kitchen sink. Homeowner didn't understand why instructions with appliance were not clearer. I kindly told her the mfr had to assume at least minimal knowledge by installer.

I have reworked open splices in crawl spaces, over mud puddles, with keyless or pull chain light socket hanging open.

I've also heard "I don't know if I can afford that work. The new Jennair range cost me 3,500 and that took all the $ I had". I replied, "do as I do and get a $300 range that plugs into the outlet you already have."


"The TV cost me $600. Are you telling me I have to pay $300 to get power to it and have it mounted on the wall? I could have gotten a $300 TV and kept it on the table". I reply "that's what I have".

"The ceiling fan was only $75.00. How can it cost $100 to install it?" I reply "because it takes work to install it and I have to install a new box or get supports to structure."

I don't mind all the questions from a little old lady, living in a modest shack who never had much. I get truly irritated when the person drives much nicer vehicles that I, dresses better, has toys of every nature. My truck is a 2000 model, my wife's van is a 2005. We shop at thrift stores for the kids and sometimes for ourselves. Our house needs work we can't afford, we do without a lot of stuff. Seldom take any real vacations any more. That's OK, hard times come & go for all of us. But I won't be beaten down by someone who freely spends when he wants to, then pleads poverty with me.

What's the difference between greenfield whip, and a carlton whip? Aren't they both liquidtite?
What's the difference between greenfield whip, and a carlton whip? Aren't they both liquidtite?

Greenfield is not liquid tight, is flexible metal conduit with no plastic coating. Carlon is a brand of liquid tight nonmetallic flexible conduit. Sealtight is the common name for liquid tight flexible metal conduit. Carlon is about half the cost and suitable for most uses. Sealtight can serve as a grounded raceway, up to 30 amps, I think. Don't have the book handy.
....But I won't be beaten down by someone who freely spends when he wants to, then pleads poverty with me.

That is exactly right! I hate it when someone "cries broke" but obviously drives better vehicles, wears better clothes, has the latest and greatest gadgets in their house, etc. No break for them!
That is exactly right! I hate it when someone "cries broke" but obviously drives better vehicles, wears better clothes, has the latest and greatest gadgets in their house, etc. No break for them!

But what if they really are broke from having to make the payments on all those expensive toys?
I like running across people like my father. He was tight with $, carried the Depression with him til the day he died. Always wanted to know what something would cost, what hidden costs, etc. He could sometimes drive you nuts with questions. But if he hired you for the work, he asked if you needed any $ up front. When time to pay, he had check book ready or went to the bank for cash. If by billing, he sent a check within a day or 2 of getting the bill. If convenient, he took it to someone's office.

He did not spend frivolously but he kept his word and did as he agreed. He was a school principal and had a good name with all the businesses he dealt with. More than 1 clerk or manager said they always knew if he ordered something, he had the $ to pay for it.
I'd say calll me if you change your mind, I'm going to go home and take a nap. It's been a hard day I've already put my 4 hrs in.
"any monkey can run wire"

"that much? i can easily do it myself it's not hard"

"i can go down to home depot and ask the guy in the electrical department he will tell me"

"it's not hard to do their are many videos online that show you step by step"

my responses
1. yeah those monkies are good aren't they? I'm taking my truck to the grease monkey when i leave here.

2. why didn't you?

3. why didn't you?

4. why didn't you?

but seriously what would you say to these comments? I read these comments all over the internet from youtube to craigslist to general forums it's sad that electricians get no respect.

Sure "any monkey "can drill a hole in your tooth and do a root canal they can just watch a video step by step.

Same with any task out there including what ever the person who tells you that does for a living.

The fact is when you run into a client like that the best way is to treat them with the same respect they are giving you and just walk away because they will give you a hard time the whole time you are working for them and it is not worth all the hassle that comes along with it.
I wouldn't respond or take it personally. In reality, a monkey could be trained to do most tasks. They sent monkeys into space. What does that tell you?
I wouldn't respond or take it personally. In reality, a monkey could be trained to do most tasks. They sent monkeys into space. What does that tell you?

Did the monkeys drink TANG?

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