What Happened?

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Oh goody.
Now I can play with typographics.
How can I post a picture?
:twisted: :twisted ?
Most important: How can I automatically view the most recent posts?
don_resqcapt19 said:
If I go to a forum and read the new posts, then click the back button to go back to the index page, all of the new post indicators are reset. If that is how it is going to work, I will be spending a lot less time here.
I hear you. :?
Wow, I come home from work today and open the front door and everything has changed. Does this mean divorce again? Just kidding, I will get used to squinting. That is a neat trick with the control-+. Never knew about that one. Thanks.
Two questions if I may.
Is there a way to view all recent posts in all forums withouty going back and switching forums?
Can one set default to "last post first" without having to select that each time?
Rickg, if you click on the
Search link at the top of the page, and search by "Author" and enter your member name, you should see your posts.

Augie, click on the link I posted above. That's doing what you describe.
with this new forum, your computer settings may be keeping you from doing what you are trying to do. I have the same issues as George, at ECN, but here it seems to be working fine. If you do not want to keep logging in, you may have to reset some of your settings????

I like your website, mine will be up and running in 2-3 weeks.
webmaster said:
Your PM's may not be lost because we still have the old forum. Once I'm certain the new forum is running and displaying everything properly, I will go after all the PM's.

I am one who has linked to img files, and have found it useful to url link a text snippet to a specific post in a thread so, if one chooses, one can link to the full context I am trying to discuss.

I understand that I can do this in the new forum software. . .that's not a problem.

The problem I perceive is in the past threads created under the old forum software. The threads show up in this new software, but all the links are either garbled or broken or unfinished.

I started back through a few of my recent posts to see the patterns.

Please consider my contributions in the Big oops ... need suggestions thread as a case in point, and, among others, the "highlight" http://www.mikeholt.com/codeForum/viewtopic.php?p=150412&highlight=#150412

Is this "link scrambling" the collateral damage of the forum migration that can only be fixed by an individual poster going back and editing their personal posts?
Regarding the 'Logging in' problems, having 'Cookies' disabled in the browser settings, or some setting that removes or doesn't accept or save them would account for this too I think.

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