What have I missed...? TV construction

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Jim W in Tampa said:
And on his first day off for not wearing the pink hat he will be sitting down with lawyer

He can do that but the lawyer will tell him it is NOT harrassment. As long as the rule is applied equally to all employees it is not harrassment.

Now if they only made homosexuals wear pink hard hats he would have a good case.
I realy don't understand why anyone has a problem wearing a hardhat, I certainly don't... ITS MY HEAD!!! I also wear gloves at all times, unless I am doing something small and fiddely. However, I do have a prolem with the safety glasses designed to be worn over my presciption glasses. My glasses fog up all the time, and not being able to see is certainly not safe! Does anybody know where I can have a pair of osha-approved safety glasses made with presciption lenses? Thanks!
I've yet to find a hardhat that I didn't find amazingly uncomfortable. Certainly I appreciate the safety guidelines, and follow them, but I sure wish there was a better lid on the market.
iwire said:
No it's not harassment Jim, it is a well known fact that this company's spare helmets are pink.

Would you explain why you believe the color pink is harassing?

BTW, the employee always has the choice not to wear any of the safety gear, they just don't get paid.

Can you tell me why they supply pink ones instead of white or green ? And how did they find pink ones ? I sure hope they didnt paint them.
Jim W in Tampa said:
Can you tell me why they supply pink ones instead of white or green ?

Pink is easy to spot.

And how did they find pink ones ? I sure hope they didnt paint them.

No we do not paint helmets, we buy them pink.

We do use pink spray paint to mark the ground for excavation are we harassing mother earth?

As I said they are more than free not to wear it.

Here is how it works.

Employee: Boss I left my hardhat at my girlfriends house

Boss: You can grab one of the spares or you can go home

See it is very simple. :)
iwire said:
Pink is easy to spot.

No we do not paint helmets, we buy them pink.

We do use pink spray paint to mark the ground for excavation are we harassing mother earth?

As I said they are more than free not to wear it.

Here is how it works.

Employee: Boss I left my hardhat at my girlfriends house

Boss: You can grab one of the spares or you can go home

See it is very simple. :)

Worded that way your fine.But if forced there is a problem.
Pink on the ground is easy to spot,no problem with that long as one of your pink headed workers aint laying down.
I've noticed that for some odd reason, GCs showing a structure to females tend to loan a pink hat. I shall not speculate as to the reason.

I think the suing over a pink loaner hard hat is about the funniest thing I've heard. You should have seen the loaner hard hat my old foreman used to have. He and I used up a book of 1" adhesive letters spouting the most offensive insults known to the human race, pertaining to the wearer. Strangely, the hard hat never got lost. :)

Ah, construction. :D
georgestolz said:
I've noticed that for some odd reason, GCs showing a structure to females tend to loan a pink hat. I shall not speculate as to the reason.

I think the suing over a pink loaner hard hat is about the funniest thing I've heard. You should have seen the loaner hard hat my old foreman used to have. He and I used up a book of 1" adhesive letters spouting the most offensive insults known to the human race, pertaining to the wearer. Strangely, the hard hat never got lost. :)

Ah, construction. :D

How about suing over hot coffee LOL .Wasnt so funny in court was it.Even if all you do is get sued its costing a few grand to even win.In todays world people will sue over almost anything and many win.Walking on thin ice works too.
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