The steel raceway properly installed is superior to an enclosed copper or aluminum EGC. By adding a optional EGC in the steel raceway you will add approximately 10 to 15 percent to the length that you can run the raceway and it still will provide the low impedance path needed to cause the overcurrent device to trip in the event of a ground fault. Some engineers require this method because they fear improper installation of the raceway. But if the installer does not make a proper installation of the conduit then who's to say he will properly terminate the enclosed EGC wire. If the raceway is damaged then the enclosed conductors are also not reliable and may present a shock hazard or fail to perform in a fault situation. Therefore, if this happens it must be repaired or else. Over the years I have opened many boxes to find the green wire cut-off or simply twisted together. 110.14 This is not good.
Can steel conduit/tubing be used as equipment grounding conductors or do you have to use a supplementary conductor? Answer
There is a proposal for the 2011 code. This change has not been implemented.
Section 440.9 Equipment Grounding
Proposal 11-129 Log No. 2053
(New) This new section adds a requirement for installing a wire-type equipment-grounding conductor with any wiring method used to supply air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The new text does not clearly indicate whether the requirement applies to the branch circuit only or both the feeder and branch circuit levels of the system. As it is currently worded, the rule would have to apply to both feeders and branch circuits that supply this type of equipment. The substantiation indicates problems with the conduit and tubing types of equipment-grounding conductors that result in ineffective ground-fault current paths when couplings become loose or separate some time after installation. It should be noted that wiring methods should be properly secured and supported in compliance with the NEC and should also not be subject to physical damage or otherwise be suitable for the location. The change results in having to install a wire-type equipment-grounding conductor in all wiring methods supplying air conditioning equipment, even if the conduit, tubing or cable assembly is a suitable equipment-grounding conductor in accordance with 250.118.
Articles: 409, 430, 440, 460, 470,Annex D, Example D8
Proposed Changes
*New* Section 440.9
All circuits installed for air conditioning and refrigeration equipment an equipment grounding conductor in accordance with 250.118(1). Essentially, this means a wire typed equipment grounding conductor must be installed with circuits supplying the equipment.
Question; When running feeders in parallel, for example a 400 ampere motor control center, how do you size the ground (EGC) in the raceways? What if you are paralleling MC cable?
Answer; If the parallel raceways are rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing, an additional EGC is not required.
If you plan to install a copper, aluminum or copper clad aluminum equipment grounding conductor, you would be required to install a 3 AWG copper or a 1 AWG aluminum or copper clad aluminum in each parallel path based on the 400 ampere overcurrent device.
If Type MC cable is used, the manufacturer must be told the overcurrent device rating at the time of the order. This allows the manufacturer to provide the proper size equipment grounding conductor, since MC cable is manufactured based on the maximum overcurrent device permitted to protect a single cable run.
References: 310.4(A) through (E), 300.5(I) Exception 1 and 2, 250.118, 250.122(A) and (F) and Table 250.122
Equipment Grounding (Bonding) Conductor. The low-impedance fault-current path used to connect the noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures to the grounded (neutral) conductor and equipment grounding (bonding) conductor at service equipment or at the source of a separately derived system.
Author's Comment: The purpose of the equipment grounding (bonding) conductor is to provide the low-impedance fault-current path necessary to facilitate the operation of overcurrent protection devices in order to remove dangerous voltage potentials between conductive parts of building components and electrical systems [250.4(A)(3)].
Author's Comment: According to 250.118, the equipment grounding (bonding) conductor must be one or a combination of the following: Figure 250-02 def 14 250-s118 100.cdr
Conductor. A bare or insulated conductor [250.118(1)]
Rigid Metal Conduit [250.118(2)]
Intermediate Metal Conduit [250.118(3)]
Electrical Metallic Tubing [250.118(4)]
Listed Flexible Metal Conduit as limited by 250.118(5)
Listed Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit as limited by 250.118(6)
Listed Liquidtight Flexible Tubing as limited by 250.118(7)
Armor of Type AC Cable [250.118(8)]
Copper metal sheath of Mineral Insulated Cable [250.118(9)]
Metal Clad Cable as limited by 250.118(10) [250.118(10)]
Metallic cable trays as limited by 250.118(11) and 392.7
Cablebus framework as permitted in 370.3 [250.118(12)]
Electrically continuous metal raceways listed for grounding [250.118(13)]
Surface metal raceways listed for grounding [250.118(14)]