What is an Approved PVC Strap

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Isn't the strap required to be listed for use with the type of conduit it's supporting?

Where do you see that?

On a sidenote, I'm fortunate the inspectors we have here use a little common sense for the most part. I know if I used the cushioned straps like I mentioned above that allow the conduit to expand/contract as well as secure it properly I wouldn't have an issue with them.
It bothers me that a strap could even be questioned as legal due to a possible listing technicality when I know it does the job and does it well. There, I said my piece.:cool:
It bothers me that a strap could even be questioned as legal due to a possible listing technicality when I know it does the job and does it well. There, I said my piece.:cool:

I'm agreeing with you however not everyone else does (look at the OP). Inspectors around here require that the strap be listed for the PVC which usually means a PVC strap. So on an underground residental service we have to use metal straps on the pole (POCO requirement) and PVC straps on the house. Silly IMO.
I'm agreeing with you however not everyone else does (look at the OP). Inspectors around here require that the strap be listed for the PVC which usually means a PVC strap. So on an underground residental service we have to use metal straps on the pole (POCO requirement) and PVC straps on the house. Silly IMO.

See that would kill me out here. We do a lot of farm services built on free standing stanchions for irrigation circles. Which means a lot of DB wire sleeved in pvc out of the ground into disconnects. We use strut with strut straps across the stanchion to fasten the pvc too. If pvc straps were my only option I would be in trouble.
by Rockyd:
What say you inspectors, as to how your jurixdiction makes the call? Not emotionl, just curious as to what is going on in other places.

All the inspectors in Nebraska (State inspectors, I can't speak for all city/county inspectors) will not write a correction order for something they can not cite a code section or amendment that was violated. I have had some say they don't like something but "It is allowed and I can't make you change it".

If you think something is not right it is easy to appeal to the inspectors supervisor if the inspector does not agree with you. You still may not get things your way but you will not be simply told "that is the way we want it". If you have a serious controversy you will be taken seriously and all possible options will be considered.

I feel lucky that the inspectors I deal with are reasonable about things of this nature. Most of them have been contractors or journeymen at some time and understand your side of things. After reading others stories on this forum there are a lot of "mightier than you" inspectors out there.
The State Electrical Division here will not tolerate this behavior out of any of their inspectors.
Can't you use a normal 2 hole PVC clamp like on the smaller conduit below the one in question. Screw that into two spring nuts in the strut. This all seems rather silly though for a 28" piece of pipe...
I feel lucky that the inspectors I deal with are reasonable about things of this nature. Most of them have been contractors or journeymen at some time and understand your side of things. After reading others stories on this forum there are a lot of "mightier than you" inspectors out there.
The State Electrical Division here will not tolerate this behavior out of any of their inspectors.

Good to see a fair inspection agency. :) Really hate it when it becomes when a power trip, rather than focusing on proper install and selling a quality product per the call out of the NEC and contract, and everyone's expectations, to be happy (because we'd like to get another contract with you!).
PVC strap

PVC strap

The inspector is correct but shoud have given you the code article as required. 110.3 (B) Listed and labled for its use. Although the inspector should have given you the oppertunity to correct this without a $50 re inspection fee. As far as the other coments about other thing used to strap PVC, remember that this was a support issue, that's holding a pipe in place with ? the weight of the wire. When the others were probaly refering to holding a pipe down. Read the deffinition of "support". I remember arguing this with inspectors. You can tie a conduit down but to tie it up you must support it, which comes into the catogory of support. To support a conduit up you must use a support bracket the is listed and labled for the application. Oh and another thing, don't get all agravated with the inspector. Use the inspector as your last set of eyes before drywall goes up, most of the time the inspector comments will save you money, not loose you money. Good luck. Perry Vogler
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