What is De-rating?

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Senior Member
London, England
You got me on this one (I'm a flatlander) what is the reasoning? Does it have anything to do with atmospheric pressure at higher elevations in regards to heat dissipation?


Yes, at higher altitudes the air is thinner and can therefore remove less heat, therefore transformers might overheat if not de-rated.
Generating sets may have a reduced capacity, not only due to less effective cooling but also the engine may not be able to achieve full HP in the thinner air.
Most manufacturers of electrical equipment allow for full load operation at up to 1000 feet altitude, with derating only being required above 1000 feet.
In the case of transformers, full load operation at more than 1000 feet MAY be permissable if the temperature is consistantly low as it often is up mountains etc. The lower air temperature compensates for the air being thinner.
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