What is equivalent to a 12 AWG solid copper conductor?

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Staff member
I was installing some Juno tracks today and there was a sticker placed across the KO of each end feed that said

Use 12 AWG solid copper conductors or equivalent

What is equivalent to a 12 AWG solid copper conductor?
What did you use 12-2 solid mc? I think that the termination point is what they are talking about and #12 stranded with a stakon rated for 20 amperes would surfice.
A 12 gauge copper stranded conductor

Stranded is equivalent to solid?

Main Entry: equiv?a?lent

Pronunciation: \-lənt\

Function: adjective

1: equal in force, amount, or value ; also : equal in area or volume but not superposable <a square equivalent to a triangle>

2 a: like in signification or import b: having logical equivalence <equivalent statements>

3: corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function

4 obsolete : equal in might or authority

5: having the same chemical combining capacity <equivalent quantities of two elements>

6 a: having the same solution set <equivalent equations>b: capable of being placed in one-to-one correspondence <equivalent sets> c: related by an equivalence relation
"use 12 awg copper or equivalent" = "use of anything but 12awg or equivalent violates the listing instructions of this luminaire" ?
Lots of misfires in this old cows brain!!!!
Ya know, if I knew the cow was going to show up, I would have referenced 8,500 kcmil of cow flesh instead, specifically, pink-nosed cow. :D Now where did I put that bag of charcoal?
Stranded is equivalent to solid?
Yes, by virtue of ?3. corresponding . . . identical . . . in . . . function.?

I think it is a simple way for the manufacturer to protect itself. Toss in a few extra words to prevent any trouble from bouncing back their way.

Yes, by virtue of ?3. corresponding . . . identical . . . in . . . function.?

I think it is a simple way for the manufacturer to protect itself. Toss in a few extra words to prevent any trouble from bouncing back their way.

The terminals on the item will not accept stranded as far as I can tell.

There is no way to wrap the conductors around the screw, the conductor just sits under one side of the screw while a small lip holds it from popping out the side.

One terminal the stranded would be pulled into the screw but the other terminal would push the stranded out.
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