that gas is explosive gas. not sure i would be worried about the corrosive part at this time.
H2S will kill you LONG before it reaches LEL. I worked at waste water plants for years, you worry about methane explosions, but not H2S. .5ppm is enough to detect the smell, and I think over 10ppm it deadens your nose so you cant smell it anymore. I dont even know what the LEL on H2S is because the fatal exposure limit is so low you dont worry about explosions with it, you worry about suffocating.
here's the fun that H2S is:
1,000-2,000 ppm: Loss of consciousness and possible death
100-1,000 ppm: Serious respiratory, central nervous, and cardiovascular system effects
150-200 ppm: Olfactory fatigue (sense of smell is significantly impaired)
100 ppm: Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH concentration)
5-30 ppm: Moderate irritation of the eyes
5-10 ppm: Relatively minor metabolic changes in exercising individuals during short-term exposures
Less than 5 ppm: Metabolic changes observed in exercising individuals, but not clinically significant
5 ppm: Increase in anxiety symptoms (single exposure)
5 ppm: Start of the dose-response curve (short-term exposure)
0.032-0.02 ppm: Olfactory threshold (begin to smell)
Notice LEL isnt even listed. Because by the time it will blow up, everyone is already dead, so who cares?
eta: I had to look up LEL; it's 40,000ppm (4%).