I recently did a job in a nearby city in which I have never performed a job that required an inspection. Knowing that each jurisdiction "want" differing things, I called the Building official and request a phone call to go over "exactly what they wanted". He never called. I did the "rough" work and called the number for inspection. You get a recording that says. "I am in the office from 730 till 800 and 430 until 5 for messages. If you want an inspection leave the number, address.....and the inspection will occur within 16 business hours, If you want to be present during the inspection please speak to me in person". I was "hit" four different times which resulted in 4 phone calls to the answering machine and never got a recall. I each time did the best I could to address his "issues" and recalled for the follow up inspection. Did I say this was Macon, Ga.