circuit breaker finder
circuit breaker finder
I can't believe I worked in the trade this long before I ponied up ~$35 for the Ideal brand (live) circuit finder. No, it does not do 277V, but it has created great emotion in me to find a circuit in a big store like WalMart and turn the circuit off versus working it hot. I've been doing it hot for way too long.
In the last couple of years, I have been fortunate to pick up a nice assortment of cordless tools, (2) 1/2 to 2 ratchet KO sets, ratchet cutter, rotatable die up to 4/0 crimper, Harbor Freight hammerdrill, (2) ampclamps, and (most recently) the economy Extech megger.
But the little circuit breaker finder wins my heart. The customers are usually impressed too.