What to do now

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After reading this, it reminded me of the call i had a few years ago, homeowner calls, and says, all i need is a licensed electrician to submit a permit, I said i was sorry but we don't just, seal permits, if we din't do the work, then i asked if he could explain, what the problem was, well i called almost every electrician in the book, and they all tell me the same thing, they will not do it, i asked who did the electrical work, and he said the guy was an electrician, but i paid him cash, and he said i din't need a permit, the city only uses premits to make money, and since no one else working on my basement got a permit, i figured it was the way they did it, now i am selling the house, and the home inspection noted, unprofessional electrical work, and they can't find a permit for the work, and it is holding up the sale, i called the building department and they said, if i can get contractors to seal the permits, they would issue them, but if i can't they will condem the job, which means i have to tear out the entire basement, and give the new owner a $110,000 credit.

A week later, there were two large dumpsters in front of the home.
This reminds me of my first house....not really related to the OP, but my memory just kicked in gear!
My first home was a new construction in a new hood. no grass or fences yet in the back yards. I'm watering the new sod one day and talking to a new neighbor directly behind me. Everyone knew I was a master electrician, EC by the vans in my driveway. My new friend asked me why I had a brick on my POCO meter. I asked him, didn't he know? The brick will lower his light bill, by slowing his meter down, by lowering the ferous magnetic flux inductance in the lines?
Next week everyone had bricks on their meters.
dlhoule said:
This is true of at least one Company that sells a lot of HO policies. They inspect home before or shortly after policy is issued. If a claim is filed and they find any work done without proper permit it voids the policy. It is writter right into the policy.....you know if you get out your magnifying glass, it is right there just as plain as can be.

I was actually talking about contractor's liability policy. Of course I've never actually read my own policy - HO or liability. :( The answers are probably right there.:cool:

But that's not nearly as fun as spending hours here on the forum.
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