What to Say to a DIY

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Re: What to Say to a DIY

"Joe T" may have downloaded them Plumbing Pix,& George's "mugshot" by now.They may be all over the web by tonight....
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Originally posted by charlie:
In defense of George, I have yet to see a DIY plumber that has watercuted anyone. :D
Apparently it can happen. :D

Here in MA a homeowner can legally wire his own house but they can not work on the plumbing.

Go figure. :roll:
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Scott said:
George I bet there are plumbers on their message boards laughing at your work. I know I am.
I was hoping there'd be some fun at my expense. :)

Hey, for a plumber I'm an excellent electrician. Never replaced a water heater before. :D

Mostly wanted to use that digital camera for something. Happy Sunday fellas! :D
Re: What to Say to a DIY


Who says we're having fun at your expense.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Charlie B. Fair enough. I also agree that you have the right to moderate this forum as you see fit. It's just many times I've seen many DITers recieve answers far more complicated than what that gentleman asked for. This forum is the best and do respect the work you and the other moderators do. Keep up the great job up.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Don't sweat it (Waite a minute you already did :( So go figure. When I replaced my hot water heater I installed a tank-less whole house and I'm glad I did it saves me tremendously. At least I have PVC piping. :p
But I have seen and had to work after many DYS if you could even call them that. and know how dangerous it can be. I had a house where the owner (who was a alarm system installer) had wired every paddle fan and some lights in his house with 20awg alarm wire ( the twisted two conductor) which was all on 20 amp circuits. I was amazed the house was still there :roll: But we were called after the one fluorescent fixture in the kitchen had a ballast short out and caused the whole attic to fill up with smoke. Luckily the wire was ran across the fiberglass insulation and didn't cause a fire except the wire burning. so I do know that they need to think about if they really know what there doing before taking on a project that could harm others.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

I also agree that you have the right to moderate this forum as you see fit.
That is not quite correct. We look after each other and try to be consistent among ourselves. That is also one of the reasons we have a Chief Moderator. We try not to be heavy handed but please remember that the site belongs to Mike Holt and we attempt to do everything the way he wants it done. :D
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Hurk, alarm wire huh? Here is a case where the HO obviously had far too little knowledge, did not get a HO's permit, and did not get an inspection. There are numerous "how to" books available, but maybe the guy couldn't read! But the wire was free I betcha!
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Originally posted by highkvoltage: It's just many times I've seen many DIYers receive answers far more complicated than what that gentleman asked for.
Which gentleman? :eek:

But I have to agree with you, sometimes a DIY does get some good information. It is not always easy to spot a DIY. By the time it becomes evident that a DIY is asking for ?how-to? assistance, there may have already been a dozen comments on the thread. Nevertheless, as soon as this situation is recognized by one of the Moderators, we remove the post. We may or may not notify the original poster of our action.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

I sense a tone of hostility from some toward the DIYs. Now we must realize that DIY is an established American tradition, and that is one of the things that makes America great. You have heard of American Ingenuity. Well, that comes from the DIY mentality. This is especially noticeable in the Military under field conditions where the troops find a way to get things done without the proper tools and materials. I once saw a guy on the fender of a 3/4 ton working the fuel pump by hand while the driver hung out the side to see around the hood. Well, he could have just called the Motor Pool--if he had a cell phone in 1953!

We all agree that most should not attempt electrical work, and that includes engineers who know their narrow specialty and little else. But, for those who have the interest and the sense to do it right, they should be applauded.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

I have no problem with that notion. But it is my duty as a Moderator to protect the owner of this Forum from any issues of liability that might arise if a DIY asks one question, gets an answer, and does something else wrong (not related to his question). I don?t want a lawyer to say that we should have given more help and advice, since we were the professionals and we should have known what information the DIY needed. I have no animosity towards a DIY. I just want them to seek advice someplace else, because that is what the owner of the Forum wants.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Charlie B.,

The liability issue is one that crossed my mind, and that alone is reason enough for the rule. No problem with me there. Furthermore, I understand that this forum is not meant to be an advice column for the DIYs. If I want advice, I will either read up on it or ask my inspector cousin.

[ January 18, 2005, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: rattus ]
Re: What to Say to a DIY

With regard to DIYs doing sparky work.

If they carried out some work, after a pro had left the job in good order, and their child was electrocuted or their house burned down, who would they blame? Would they take responsibility for the safety of the work they did?
Re: What to Say to a DIY

The DIY has been around forever,there is little we can do to stop him.Will i help him all depends on what he is doing and how much trust i have in him.If i know he will do the job anyways i would rather help guide him than let him make a hazard that kills someone.If something happens i can at least say i warned him.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

foxx, I would think that the DIYr would bear the blame whether or not he wanted to. After all, he could not very well blame the licensed pro for some foolish thing he himself did. Sure, there are those who will try. The courts are bogged down with lawsuits like that.
Re: What to Say to a DIY

Inspectors would have a field day here.`1st elec. red tag for no flex,then he`d call the plumbing inspector :D
Re: What to Say to a DIY

This is an old topic, but I missed it the first go 'round.

Doesn't the disclaimer on this site release Mr. Holt from liability? What about the electricians that misinterpret information given on this site? Couldn't that result in litigation also?

If I could be so blunt, I like this site because DIY'ers are not allowed simply because they are DIY'ers. There are other DIY forums for them to go to that aren't afraid of "liability" issues.
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