what type of service is this?

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there is voltage present....when you measure to the other two lesg you see it...
just like ypu see voltage when you measure from hot to neutral on a 240/120 circuit... when you measure neutral (grounded) to ground you see no voltage there,,but the retun path is still there...it's still a part of the circuit... same here..the c phase is still part of the circuit..it happens to be grounded.
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I don't have a corner delta graphic... this is as close as I coud find...
Ignore "N" in this case, as you don't have "N", and ground one phase.
This may help, it has B phase grounded.


From here New: 3 Ph. 3 Wire Corner Grounded Delta dgs.
I appreciate everyone's feedback. Thanks for the input. I think I'm starting to understand it a little bit now. And this will probably be the last (and first) time I see this type of service. :)
I appreciate everyone's feedback. Thanks for the input. I think I'm starting to understand it a little bit now. And this will probably be the last (and first) time I see this type of service. :)

It seems, on this forum, we discuss 240V grounded-phase, 240V ungrounded, and 240/120 4 wire at least every couple of weeks. While delta systems are not common, I think they are not as rare as people make them out to be.
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