What was I thinking ?!?!?!

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sparky 134

Senior Member
Joliet, IL
I received a phone call today from a gentleman asking me if I had received the information packet he sent regarding my becoming a Mister Sparky franchise.

He said he was looking to 'partner' with me. He also said, "You MAY increase your sales. You MIGHT work less hours. You COULD increase your market share."

He then stated that when it came time to sell by business, I would have an easier time if I was a Mister Sparky franchise, since the name is nationally recognized.

I informed him that the Mister Sparky name is not known in my area. I've not seen any Mister Sparky vehicles driving around.

He stated to get a bit frustrated by this point and asked, "Do you plan on working forever ?"

"No. When I decide to stop working I will either sell the business or hopefully one of my children will be in a position to take over."

He said, "Will you finance the sale of the business to the new owner ?"

"I have no idea. Ask me in twenty to thirty years."

"So you have no interest in meeting ?"



What was I thinking ?????


Senior Member
Newport, NC
You were thinking some people still know how to receive a polite 'no.' Maybe he was just trying to butter you up so he could sell you saw saw blades from Az. :smile: (Unless you have gotten those sales pitches, you'll never truly know what a rude sales call can sound like.)


Senior Member
360Youth said:
You were thinking some people still know how to receive a polite 'no.' Maybe he was just trying to butter you up so he could sell you saw saw blades from Az. :smile: (Unless you have gotten those sales pitches, you'll never truly know what a rude sales call can sound like.)
I've gotten these saw blade calls from AZ. When I declined to buy the called me all kinds a foul names. They called once when I wasn't in and talked to my call taker. They wanted my cell phone number so they could talk to me instead of her. When she declined to give them my cell phone number they started in on her telling her what they were going to do to her and things like that.

I called the phone company to see if there was anything they could, such as trace where the number was comming from or something. They said there was nothing they could do.

The number comes up on my caller ID as unavailable. They always start off by acting like they're my best freind and ask if I remember who they are. They start asking about the weather where I'm at and if I've been doing any fishing lately before they start peddling the saw blades.


Senior Member
Newport, NC
aline said:
They start asking about the weather where I'm at and if I've been doing any fishing lately before they start peddling the saw blades.

I have learned to recognize that. I fell for it the first couple of times. Now I just cringe and see if I can get off the phone w/o getting cussed at.


Senior Member
Telemarketers are trained to wait for a total of seven 'no's before they are to give up.

So when I get a call, I say, "Well, you know, I know that you know that it's a known fact that when a telemarketer hears the work 'no' seven times, they know it's time to give it up, you know what I mean? I've said no (/know) eight times now. Goodbye." :D


Senior Member
South Carolina
More evidence for a mandatory caller id law. If they are out of the US, there should be something that says foriegn caller. If they break the law, you take the CEO of that company and publicly execute him. That would fix the problem after about 30 CEO's.



Senior Member
Maybe he was just trying to butter you up so he could sell you saw saw blades from Az

I LOVED the saw blade guy. I haven't heard from him in years though. I would LMAO, waste 20 minutes of his time and be totally abusive back to him. My guy sounded like he was from Jersey though.


Senior Member
Right here.
sparky 134 said:
"So you have no interest in meeting ?"



What was I thinking ?????
I'd have still met with the guy. If for no other reason than to at least pick his brain and network a bit.


Senior Member
aline said:
I've gotten these saw blade calls from AZ. When I declined to buy the called me all kinds a foul names. They called once when I wasn't in and talked to my call taker. They wanted my cell phone number so they could talk to me instead of her. When she declined to give them my cell phone number they started in on her telling her what they were going to do to her and things like that.

I called the phone company to see if there was anything they could, such as trace where the number was comming from or something. They said there was nothing they could do.

The number comes up on my caller ID as unavailable. They always start off by acting like they're my best freind and ask if I remember who they are. They start asking about the weather where I'm at and if I've been doing any fishing lately before they start peddling the saw blades.

We must have the same sales guy. He asks me, "Don't you know who this is?" When I tell him no I can tell he gets kinda mad. I bought some of those gator blades from him the first time. He ends the call by telling me there's a beer, steak and a blonde waiting for me if I ever get down to AZ.:roll:

But talk about pushy.


Senior Member
Baltimore, MD
I will not answer calls with no ID.
Or, just for kicks, I pick up, immediately say, "I don't talk to people who block their phone numbers" - click.
Funny, they never call back..... ;)


Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
I took a look at the link and apparently you can get a starched white shirt. Wow!! They also ask when was the last time you opened your door to an electrician who was clean cut and freshly shaven. I am clean cut and freshly shaven every day. I hope I am not infringing on a copyright of thiers by being so!:D


Senior Member
The sawblade guy calls thru to me about once a year. He always complains about not reaching me right away. I call him names that make him blush.....

I'm a real sucker for good looking sales women. I'll buy just about anything if she is hot enough...


Senior Member
Right here.
macmikeman said:
I'm a real sucker for good looking sales women. I'll buy just about anything if she is hot enough...
A factory I once worked at had a HOT Panduit saleswoman. She wore a mini-skirt every time. Some of the guys purposely mounted the terminal cabinet just high enough that she would have to get on a 2-step ladder to restock the terminal cabinet. Bummer. :grin:


Senior Member
360Youth said:
Originally Posted by mdshunk
Pretty good blades, actually.

So you're the one who perpetuates the industry (of obnoxious callers, that is). :mad: :grin:

Friends dont let friends or the eldery talk to tele-peddlers.... It - like smam, junk mail and pizza flyers should be illegal anyway.
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