What was I thinking ?!?!?!

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Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
mdshunk said:
A factory I once worked at had a HOT Panduit saleswoman. She wore a mini-skirt every time. Some of the guys purposely mounted the terminal cabinet just high enough that she would have to get on a 2-step ladder to restock the terminal cabinet. Bummer. :grin:
Lucky dogs. The girl who stocked our parts bins had a watch on each arm because she occupied two time zones!!:D


Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
c2500 said:
More evidence for a mandatory caller id law. If they are out of the US, there should be something that says foriegn caller. If they break the law, you take the CEO of that company and publicly execute him. That would fix the problem after about 30 CEO's.


Yea you have a big button like that "easy button at staples"
and POOF ...............................................


Senior Member
JohnJ0906 said:
I will not answer calls with no ID.
Or, just for kicks, I pick up, immediately say, "I don't talk to people who block their phone numbers" - click.
Funny, they never call back..... ;)
They may not be blocking their calls. Sometimes the numbers are just not available. I found this out when I called a friend who was screening calls due to domestic problems. They did not answer. Called back later and found out my first call showed up as an "unavailable" number, but I don't block my number.


Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
mivey said:
They may not be blocking their calls. Sometimes the numbers are just not available. I found this out when I called a friend who was screening calls due to domestic problems. They did not answer. Called back later and found out my first call showed up as an "unavailable" number, but I don't block my number.

some people don't realize they are blocking their number...


Senior Member
Those guys that call trying to sell me stuff are a pain. I have a new strategy w/ salesman. I try to sell THEM stuff. If we have a newborn calf die on the farm or if i see a possum killed on the road, i say "you wont have trouble fencing him in, and i GUARANTEE that he wont eat much.... They get quiet quick!!


Senior Member
JacksonburgFarmer said:
Those guys that call trying to sell me stuff are a pain. I have a new strategy w/ salesman. I try to sell THEM stuff. If we have a newborn calf die on the farm or if i see a possum killed on the road, i say "you wont have trouble fencing him in, and i GUARANTEE that he wont eat much.... They get quiet quick!!

My stategy is to start badgering them with questions.

"Now, what is the name of you company again? Can I get your mailing address? And your name is....? If you collect sales tax, I need your permit number. How long have you been in operation? Are you licensed, bonded and insured? Do you belong to the local Chamber of Commerce? BBB? Any trade organizations?"

When they start to get irritated, I simply inform them, "You need to understand that if I am going to business with you, I want to know who I am doing business with. Remember, you called me. And I don't just send a check or give my credit card number to just anybody....."


Senior Member
i love telemarketers and especialy love the ones that get mad at me. its like boy im glad you called i was getting tired of beating my ol lady. youd be supprised at some of the responses to that one:grin:
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