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That's true, and here 90% humidity is, rain.

As far as I'm concerned 90% humidity is rain anywhere, it just may not make the streets wet or puddle up is all. I know my shirt will be soaking wet if I am doing anything physical in that kind of humidity and at pretty much any temperature also.
Thanks for all the responses and help.

The word weather is often used as an adjective particularly if your from NJ and/or have ever been at sea. Such as"Captain, we have some weather bearing down on us". Or in NJ, "hey, any of use guys get any of that weather yesterday, hey". Lol

In The Great State of Texas, the switch is thrown in May. The switch turns the heat on to "full" and the humidity is raised proportionally. If one ventures outside, you look like it is raining but it is not. Children have to be particularity careful they are not carried away by mosquitos. On the positive side, one can play golf all year long which also requires consuming large quantities of fluids.
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