Based on the research of Professor Dalziel of the University of California, Berkeley, the effect of 60 Hz (cycles per
second) of alternating current on the human body is generally accepted to be as follows:
? 1 milliamp (mA) or less?no sensation?not felt (1,000 milliamps equal 1 amp)
? 3 mA or more painful shock
? 5 mA or more?local muscle contractions?50 percent cannot let go
? 30 mA or more?breathing difficult?can cause unconsciousness
? 50?100 mA?possible heart ventricular fibrillation
? 100?200 mA?certain heart ventricular fibrillation
? 200 mA or more?severe burns and muscular contractions?heart more apt to stop than fibrillate
? Over a few amps?irreversible body damage
While the Hz remained constant, the changing factor here is the current. If the main factor of fibrillation was Hz, wouldn't we see a negative effect sooner?
My intelligent response would be.... While all components of electricity play a factor in electric shock, current plays the most dominant role in the action.