What would you charge?

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Minuteman said:
Do you charge $37.50 if you work an apprentice?

I don't have an "apprentice rate"...everyone is billed out as a journeyman.

77401 said:
What I charge has to do with my area & what the other low life EC's are getting. Its all about staying competitive. I wish I could get my competition to raise their rates so I can.

Why do you have to compete with the bottom feeders?
Raise your rates and let THEM follow YOU.
apprentice is billed out as a journeyman, when you add the cost of trainning, and the burden charges, how can you charge less?

The lowballers are not competition, you can't stay competive with low pricing, and run a business, that provides you, with a decent salary, and benifits, every business has pay outs, the money you pay to continue operations, they are fixed expenses, add them to your salary, which should be better then an electrican hourly rate, and then add a good profit, this is what should determine your price, not what the others charge, you say you can't, have you tried?
you can stay in business and make a profit even with low wages. all you have to do is man the job up with lots of Apprentices and have 1 lead guy/foreman. that is what is going on in denver. no one pays attetion to Jman/Apprentice ratio here and some companies are using ilegal imigrants and paying cheap wages.
you would be surprised at what you saw if you walked on to a commercial job.

I know of some companies that are having 4th year cubs running work and doing TI by them selfs.
in the last couple of Months 3 companies have shut down and gone Bankrupt.

Denver is Home of Lowball cheap ass poor quality jobs.
all the GC cares about is getting the cheapest bid so they can line ther pockets with more money
I was wandering what the average rate for Service Work in the Houston area is(Hourly and any minium time)
I would charge 1500$ :smile: its fair to you and to the homeowner. Also will you provide a guarantee this is also worth the money. 1500$ plus a limited 5 year warranty. But thats just me talking
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