What would you do?

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I am in the camp that says pass on this job. In those kind of conditions, you will be tempted to do what it takes to get the heck out, rather than do it right.

I also vote for calling the local animal welfare agency. Even cats don't deserve to live like that.
I agree. I'd pass on this one.

I've gone on service calls to houses that were filthy to the point that I didn't want to put my tool pouch down because I didn't know what was gonna jump into it. Squalor, roaches.

I'd also use the excuse that you're booked up for the next month.

That's all I need is my wife getting on my a** for bringing "critters" home.
In the early 80's, did strictly service work for a few years. Boss would work for ANYBODY! Did alot of apartment repairs for tenants, never had problem.
Then we ran into similar job. GFI in bathroom wouldnt reset she said. So, off I go, hmmmm, cat mud, baby diapers, dirty clothes, etc...you get the jist of conditions. Had to hold my breath to get job done... fastest, job ever my boss says. Explained conditions to him, he mad a new policy.
1 - only work for home owner/landlord
2 - job must be acceptably clean and hazard free
3 - only if above are met would we work

Since then, I will only work with these conditions also.

So, since you have already spoken with landlord, tell him the above requirements and only then will you correct problem.
petersonra said:
I also vote for calling the local animal welfare agency. Even cats don't deserve to live like that.
I agree completely. You have stumbled onto a crime scene, and I mean that it a very literal sense. She is breaking the law, and the landlord is enabling that behavior, and it represents a health risk to both felines and humans. Although nothing obligates you to report it to the authorities, I think it is the right thing to do.

~Shado~ said:
So, since you have already spoken with landlord, tell him the above requirements and only then will you correct problem.
I agree completely with this as well. Don?t play any games (e.g., refusing to return phone calls or claiming to be too busy). I would suggest a simple and truthful statement that you decline to work under the obviously unhealthful conditions.
Chalk me up as one that

1. Won't do the job


2. Will tell the absolute truth about the situation

"I think you are living in a very unhealthy situation. I don't know who is responsible for that, but it could cause a problem for me that I may be paying for far into the future. I respectfully decline the business you are offering me and I hope that you are able to find a way to solve your problem without creating more problems. Good day, ma'am."

Some people aren't so articulate, but if you practice that paragraph a few times you will find yourself speaking sincerely and avoiding inflammatory comment simultaneously.
Worked on one with a gazillion cats, place was neat and orderly, just cat evidence everywhere. One or more had been spraying a receptacle that finally shorted. Think Lemon jello with character. Circuit board on the range had also failed. Corrosion. Imagine that. Nice home, but it will have to be bulldozed when they leave.
mdshunk said:
Here's my #1 tip for working in really foul houses. Works great for crazy cat lady houses. Vick's Vapo-Rub. Wipe a wee bit under your nose or in each nostrel, and that's all you'll be able to smell while you're working in the house. Works like a charm, as long as you don't mind the smell of mentholated chest rub. That's been a big savior for me.


Worked well for me when I was a firefighter/emt on a rescue squad. I can view anything, but smells made me hurl.
electricguy61 said:
Worked well for me when I was a firefighter/emt on a rescue squad. I can view anything, but smells made me hurl.
when we showed horses I would use a small dab on my stallion to keep him from noticing the "ladies" when I showed in open halter class.
Rewire said:
when we showed horses I would use a small dab on my stallion to keep him from noticing the "ladies" when I showed in open halter class.
Open halter? You'd have to fit me with blinders. ;)
Knock on the door one more time and tell her to slip a check out thru the doorway to keep you silent to the authorities about the 2,376 cats...1 dollar per cat...and another check for the silence to the dead husband....:grin: :grin: Should be able to extort a hefty figure....lol

Seriously, though, this is a situation long ago gone out of control. There are cruelty to animals issues and health hazards all over the place by the sounds of it. I would report it. Do not feel ashamed for reporting such a condition, but rather feel proud to have been able to intervene in a condition for which the tenant obviously had no apparent solution. When people are not aware of their mental illnesses they inevitably revert back to brutal choices. :smile:
Thanks for all of the input. I decided that any potential health risks to me, my children or my guys was not worth the money i might have made off of this job. I didn't call the tenant back but did follow up with the landlord saying I wasn't comfortable in that environment. Not being his guy, he didn't seem to care much. I also initiated an investigation w/ local animal control. If I hear of any results I will post them.

Thanks again for the responses.

BTW if it was a stack of electricians in there I should give her the check back for thinning the competetion;)
ishium 80439 said:
Thanks for all of the input. I decided that any potential health risks to me, my children or my guys was not worth the money i might have made off of this job. I didn't call the tenant back but did follow up with the landlord saying I wasn't comfortable in that environment. Not being his guy, he didn't seem to care much. I also initiated an investigation w/ local animal control. If I hear of any results I will post them.

Thanks again for the responses.

BTW if it was a stack of electricians in there I should give her the check back for thinning the competetion;)
thats a good call. your employees, family and your own health should come before anything. no amount of money is worth the risk of getting sick. if i owned a company i wouldnt take any work from people like this.
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