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Well we keep on seeing energy saver stuff scams now this

Its not a power factor device it takes the magnetic field around your wiring in house and makes free power from that but its only good for a low voltage output of 12 volts seems they use your ac power to make dc guess to charge batterys up or led lighting .
Well i know you can take a florescent tube under high voltage lines and the tube will dimly light using the field but at this low level i cant see how this will provide much of anything .
Assuming that this is installed on the load side of the meter, the meter will see the current that is used. How long did they watch the meter? Meters read in KWH and this device would have a load of about 5 watts. What is the resolution of the meter....you would have to leave it on for 20 hours for the meter to read 1 KWH.
Well i guess its taking the field around the ac wiring and producing enough power to reuse what is already used by your load thats attached to your meter .

So your meter will still read wattage used but they are using the wasted magnetic field of your branch or feeder or you could put this around your service drop ahead of meter and it doesnt change the reading but you can benefit from the ac field around your service feeder and use that wasted energy kinda i just dont see the use of this to any advantage but to charge a small device like a blackberry or a cell phone ?
Well i guess its taking the field around the ac wiring and producing enough power to reuse what is already used by your load thats attached to your meter .

So your meter will still read wattage used but they are using the wasted magnetic field of your branch or feeder or you could put this around your service drop ahead of meter and it doesnt change the reading but you can benefit from the ac field around your service feeder and use that wasted energy kinda i just dont see the use of this to any advantage but to charge a small device like a blackberry or a cell phone ?
You are still adding load to the system and placing it on the line side of the meter is theft of power.
Well were not going to purchase one and iam not going to install it ahead of my meter we were just looking at its main purpose of use .

Meaning the larger the load online the better it would work induction & current wise . So the service feeder would be better and yes Don after the watt hour meter i stand corrected .
Well were not going to purchase one and iam not going to install it ahead of my meter we were just looking at its main purpose of use .

Meaning the larger the load online the better it would work induction & current wise . So the service feeder would be better and yes Don after the watt hour meter i stand corrected .
I can't imagine it has any real purpose as I suspect it will be much less efficient then a plug in device.
It appears that they are saying that this does not use any billable power.
  1. [FONT=arial,verdana][FONT=arial,verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial,verdana][FONT=arial,verdana]
    [*]I don't understand you mentioned watt hour meter does not move. What does it mean ?
    • Ans.OK let's me give you an example, when you turn ON your TV , the TV gets electricity from your power line through the outlet, the power line is connected to the watt hour meter to measure howmuch you have used electricity in order to charge you the electricity you consume each month by the electric company. Once you turn ON your TV (load) the watt hour meter begin to rotate or move, the more time you watch TV the more watts you consume. Let's say, if your TV is 150 watts and if you turn ON TV for about 1 hour each day, so it will be 150x 1 x 30 days= 4.5 kwh /month. The electric company will charge you the bill for 4.5 kwh.

      Any electrical appliances we denoted as a "load". This means any loads you switch ON, they all consume electricity and cause the watt hour meter rotate or spin or move what's so ever. Even the small adapter it also cause the meter spinning etc. Boondee Resonant power supply is considered as a load like as AC to DC adapter, but but Boondee resonant will not make watt hour meter spin. As a results you consume electricity without paying single Penny because it generates electricity by resonant technology. No matter howmany hour you use per day or month, the watt hour meter will not spin. Therefore you don't pay electric bill from using Boondee Resonant power supply.

    [*]But why plug the device to the electric wall out let, it gets electricity from the home outlet so what is a different to other AC adapter ?
    • Ans.It plug to the electrical wall outlet but it does not drain power from the power line like other loads, the device capture electromagnetic field from the wire and generate electricity. Like as when you spin magnet pass through the coil, it give electricity, this is also the same method in stead of having magnetic field from magnet, we get it from the electric wire cable. There are hugh amount of electric current in the wire so we know the technique how to capture it.

    [*]Can you make it more electricity to run higher load, like as 220 volt, 5000 watts etc.
    • Ans.We have been experiment for more watts to apply with larger loads but it spin the watt hour meter. Our laboratory is developing and hope In future if we could success for higher watts Resonant power supply.

    [*]What is the application for D-1512 ?
    • Ans. The best way to use Boondee Resonance power supply is to power the LED bright, D-1512 can power 19 pcs of LED, the brightness equivalent to 40 watts bulb. Install it at the path walk 24/7, garden, etc.

    [*]How to increase current ?
    • Ans. Apply to units of D-1512 parallel connection (see pic below), positive to positive and negative to negative you will obtain 2 x 350 mA=700 mA
Based on their answer #4, it still appears that they are not leaving it on long enough to "spin the meter"...I don't think that there is any question that it is using power that the meter can see. The same company also offers those "energy saving" devices that have been discussed at length on this site.
Well Don thats not much more than a small 9 volt battery at 350 ma at 12 volts dc .

A 9 volt batt does not last long .

After reading what you found its a scam .
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I can't believe all the typo's are in the link Don posted. For example:

Quote: "We have been experiment for more watts to apply with larger loads but it spin the watt hour meter".

No self respecting company would ever put anything like that out where the public can see it.

Also, they are giving you a hint: if the meter spins with a larger load, it will just spin slower with a smaller load. In other words, they are telling you it really doesn't work.

I can't believe all the typo's are in the link Don posted. For example:

Quote: "We have been experiment for more watts to apply with larger loads but it spin the watt hour meter".

No self respecting company would ever put anything like that out where the public can see it.

English is not the native language (company is Thai), though I suspect that is not the entire explanation. Check out their website:


They also make an electronic ant repellent (maybe the same device as saves electricity), an automatic plant watering device, and a wood lathe.

My favorite quote from website is on the "contact us" page where they give directions on visiting via metro:

"For BTS sky train you please take off at Morchit station and take taxi (10 minutes) from Morchit to our office, show taxi the map where you want to go. If taxi pretend stupid please take other taxi or you take MRT and i will pick you up at the Kampangphet station."

How many companies would offer to pick you up if your taxi driver "pretend stupid"?
Well weres Gar at when you need him? I do understand how this circuit works electronically but fail to see it giving any real power output as to me the losses in circuit would be more than its intended purpose .

Lets see a tank circuit for pick up of ac line next a converter for a driver circuit to electronically switch and to feed a dc rectifier how much power is lost in that process?

So yes i would say it uses power but its so small it can not be seen by your eyes at show and tell time so people think its free that electronic circuit inside needs power to operate .
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A transformer circuit it is, but it's designed not to generate free power but to get us talking!

This device is, in effect, a load on the voltage source. It's a series connected load. The source voltage (120V) will be divided between these two loads depending on the impedance of each.

An old axium in electrical engineering: Power is transformed, not created or lost.

One would be better off stealing electricity from the phone line.

" . . . for those of you plagued by electronic ants."

I wouldn't. I pretend cheap.

Well Larry i got one thats better than the ants a termite electronic device it works by sound it has been found that a colony of subterranean termites chewing on the wood in a infested wooden home make a chewing sound .

Now if another group of termites enter the home and hear chewing they will retreat back and find another source of food they will not enter .

They record the actual sounds of termites in a controlled environment chewing and then the termite electronic device plays back this in you home attic or basement you can not hear it but the termites can .

No more termites !:D
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Now if another group of termites enter the home and hear chewing they will retreat back and find another source of food they will not enter .
I'd have to see documented, unbiased testimony that termites really feel this way. It could just be a conspiracy filled with out-of-context statements made by extremist termite renegades. :cool:
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