When is a laundry room a bathroom?

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Sorry, a little late to the party on this response -- and I didn't realize you were on the 2011 -- I agree with your initial reasoning. One dedicated 20A circuit for the washing machine (i.e. 'laundry receptacle outlet'), non-GFCI, non-AFCI; and one dedicated 20A circuit for everything else. Only receptales within 6' of the sink need to be GFCI, and nothing on this bathroom circuit needs to be AFCI.

If you were on the 2014, I'm pretty sure everything in this room would need to be AFCI and GFCI.
I am on 2014 code
Oh sorry, it was jumper who said he was on the 2011.

At the very least, the laundry circuit needs to be AFCI, per 210.12(A). And it needs to be GFCI per 210.8(A)(10).

If you consider the rest of the space a "bathroom," then no other outlets need to be AFCI, and only GFCI within 6' of the sink.

As long as you provide two separate circuits, you have a good argument that one is for the bathroom and one is for the laundry area, if the inspector gives you any complaints.
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