When is a service conductor inside a building

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The service is running underneath the house from the meter with no protection other than the conduit its installed in over a carport with no over current or fault protection. What happens if that conduit gets damaged ? No sufficient protection of service as the code states. Violation.
Understood. But what do you have there that makes it "inside"?
If the project left plan review without any notation of that, you shouldn't have an issue if you do fight it. Clearly if it is ouside and not going through an enclosed crawl space until it penitrates the floor, then it's clearly outside.

If the routing of the service conduit was clearly shown on the plans and it was reviewed without comment I don't understand how the inspection department can come back on you at this point (the final) and demand it be changed. At this point you have, to say the least, a vested interest.

Can't speak for Florida but here in Ohio if the design was approved you get to build it that way unless something was missed during plan review that constitutes a life safety or imminent hazard.


It makes no difference if it went through plan review and a code violation was not found. There is no exception that allows a violation to be allowed just because a plan checker or inspector missed it, a violation is a violation. That said, this condition sounds compliant to me. If there is a need to change how it is installed, I believe there is a 2 piece concrete block that can be installed around the conduit (or you could make one).
If you have a contract inspector on the job and he is new, it is common for a new inspector to be over zealous and be too restrictive, I would contact the supervising inspector or the building official and ask for them to review the installation.
Was this conduit mounted to the surface of the typical plywood which is on the underside of the home? Then I would consider it outside until it penatrated it then it would be up to the local code/AHJ as to how far it can travel before terminating at the sevice panel. Our local only allows us 41/2 feet before a service disconnect needs to be installed. Even though the NEC makes no requirement to minimum length of service conductor once it enters a structure.
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