When it comes to insulation temperature rating, why do we use celsius?

Probably the last King that designated his dimensions as being the official unit.

The length of his foot is also likely what is still one foot today.
Yes, the Imperial Foot, similar with the yard. But how about the Yard of Ale ?
Would rather have system that I grew up with. I had problems with SAE /Metric. When I started to remove the alternator from my 1984 Ford LTD years ago first bolt was metric so I put my SAE sockets & wrenches back & went with the metric, Second bolt was SAE. We had two Goss printing pressed installed years ago and they were changing over to.metric system so it had thousands of SAE & Metric bolts, nuts & Allen cap screws. Preferred SAE system of taps and bolt threads over Metric.
Cars these days have components manufactured all over the world. A mechanic must have both imperial and metric tools.