Where are Tamper Resistant Receptacles Required (Via PM)

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We live in a world where we think we can completely regulate away all hazzards, electrical or otherwise. One of our members here has the qoute "Stupid should hurt". I could not agree more. I've been asking people about this for a long time(years) and I have yet to meet anyone who knows anyone who has been hurt by sticking something in an outlet. I know lots of people who have fallen down stairs, been burned by irons, stoves and charcoal grills, cut by knives axes and hatchets, badly cut by chainsaws, crippled in motorcycle accidents,maimed in snowmobile mishaps,shot both accidentally and on purpose. de-toed by lawn mowers. de-fingered by table saws,crippled and killed by falling trees,etc. etc.The logic of your seat belt argument does not hold up. It might if we were talking about things that were equaly dangerous. We are not. 39,800 people died on the roads in the US last year. Getting in a car I believe is still a heck of a lot more dangerous , seat belted or not , than the burn hazzard from an outlet.
. I know lots of people who have fallen down stairs, been burned by irons, stoves and charcoal grills, cut by knives axes and hatchets, badly cut by chainsaws, crippled in motorcycle accidents,maimed in snowmobile mishaps,shot both accidentally and on purpose. de-toed by lawn mowers. de-fingered by table saws,crippled and killed by falling trees,etc. etc..

Maybe you're a jinx. ;)
The world is already cursed with my children and they have children of thier own. I taught my children to keep their hands out of receptacles. They did. They are now reproducing in spite of a lack of TR receptacles!!

Have your children done everything you ever taught them to do and never done otherwise.

If you told your child don't put anything in this receptacle and then walked away and they never did count yourself lucky........
I think the substantiation is week and skewed to fit the agenda. I also think it is lame to have to idiot proof the world. thanks lawyers...:D

The only place tamper resistant is required is in residential..the substantiation does not specify the split in residential and commercial so using incomplete statistics to promote a unreasonable price receptacle for residential user only. that is just plain wrong and the manufacture could make the price more reasonable.
I think the substantiation is week and skewed to fit the agenda. I also think it is lame to have to idiot proof the world. thanks lawyers...:D

The only place tamper resistant is required is in residential..the substantiation does not specify the split in residential and commercial so using incomplete statistics to promote a unreasonable price receptacle for residential user only. that is just plain wrong and the manufacture could make the price more reasonable.
I don't even think they should be required in residential - if you have kids, and want to protect them from these types of accidents you have TR outlets, plates, or you just keep a good eye on your kids and teach them well. I have a daughter nearing 2, she has one outlet in her room and it's not accessible to her - the rest are blanked off. ;) The others in the house have them little stab-in plastic thingies, and when shes old enough they'll all go away....

So what happens with all those people without kids or the elderly? Do they too need to be forced to endure TR stuff? For that matter every time we go over to grannies, if it's breakable - it's at my daughters eye level - I spend hours taking things from her and putting them down as she grabs the next family hierloom, or glass hazard. Whens there going to be a law about that?!?!?
So what you're saying is a product with good intentions is the victim of economics.
All I am saying is the report of injuries that was used to get the rule into the code cited a substantial number of burns (63%) and that requires two objects. Yes the residential TRs will prevent someone from putting an object in the hot slot and the neutral slot, but they will not prevent someone from putting an object on the hot slot and a second object in the neutral slot.
Have your children done everything you ever taught them to do and never done otherwise.

If you told your child don't put anything in this receptacle and then walked away and they never did count yourself lucky........
Well certainly not. But with the most of the obviously dangerous stuff, sticking things in receptacles, playing in traffic,etc. they listened.:D
I don't even think they should be required in residential - if you have kids, and want to protect them from these types of accidents you have TR outlets, plates, or you just keep a good eye on your kids and teach them well. I have a daughter nearing 2, she has one outlet in her room and it's not accessible to her - the rest are blanked off. ;) The others in the house have them little stab-in plastic thingies, and when shes old enough they'll all go away....

So what happens with all those people without kids or the elderly? Do they too need to be forced to endure TR stuff? For that matter every time we go over to grannies, if it's breakable - it's at my daughters eye level - I spend hours taking things from her and putting them down as she grabs the next family hierloom, or glass hazard. Whens there going to be a law about that?!?!?

You know they need to force the elderly we are a stubborn lot..:D
After awhile, TR's will come down a little in price. People will get used to them. Life will go on.

Until then, I hate 'em. :grin:

I bought some TRs the other day and wasn't horrified at the prices. Think they were $1.40 per.

Considering my state is still under the '05 and TRs aren't in huge demand I wasn't too unhappy with the price. I believe they will come down more...

A year or so and hopefully they will be $0.70 again! :smile:

Of course by then we will all be bitching about the up coming screwed-up rules in the '11 NEC :D:D
TR's in Child Care Facility

TR's in Child Care Facility

I attended the Ohio Chapter IAEI meeting earlier this month and as I understand it CMP 18 accepted a proposal to add a requirement for TR receptacles in Child Care Facilities. They also accepted a proposal for a definition of Child Care Facility.

Well certainly not. But with the most of the obviously dangerous stuff, sticking things in receptacles, playing in traffic,etc. they listened.:D

Are you sure? I can't believe that you had an eye on them every moment of the day. They never crossed the street without looking, or jumped their bike over a ditch or drove over the speed limit? (if they're old enough).

I had a friend that asked me the other day how you keep your kids from making bad decisions and doing bad things? I told them you don't. Your child only has to leave the house for 10 minutes to smoke a joint, or drive to the corner and get in an accident. We may guide them and teach them, but they learn on their own. I did and I have the scars to prove it.:smile:

And since no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions any more and everyone wants to sue everyone, we have child proof caps, and bike and motorcycle helmet laws, and seatbelt laws, and lead free paint, and TR receptecales, etc.

Like Bob said, the rule's in place, get used to it.
Are you sure? I can't believe that you had an eye on them every moment of the day. They never crossed the street without looking, or jumped their bike over a ditch or drove over the speed limit? (if they're old enough).

I had a friend that asked me the other day how you keep your kids from making bad decisions and doing bad things? I told them you don't. Your child only has to leave the house for 10 minutes to smoke a joint, or drive to the corner and get in an accident. We may guide them and teach them, but they learn on their own. I did and I have the scars to prove it.:smile:

Very well said and very true.

Unfortunately the ones who disagree often times learn just how true this is after it's too late.
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