Where do you draw the line ?

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i remember a service call i went on about 3/yrs ago on a house we'd just finished a couple of months earlier to fix a telephone jack. young girl takes us into her bedroom, and on the floor was a huge freezer back of . . . . . . contraceptives. at least 100. i walked to the other side of the bed, and when i turned back around, she'd already moved them someplace else. she looked so embarassed but i didn't say anything.
normbac said:
This is bashing of mentally unstable humans oh please.

Really? I didn't think so.

I disagree with Marc also only because that woman let him in the home when it looked like that. He could have described the scene with out the pictures and I don't think Marc would have reacted the same way. The pictures just saved him the time it would have taken to write it out, and us the time to read it.

Personally if i knew one of my neighbors was living like that I would look to have them removed. That is a health issue, do you know how disease is spread and caused? If someone is a having mental issues they need to get help.
bikeindy said:
Really? I didn't think so.

I disagree with Marc also only because that woman let him in the home when it looked like that. He could have described the scene with out the pictures and I don't think Marc would have reacted the same way. The pictures just saved him the time it would have taken to write it out, and us the time to read it.

Personally if i knew one of my neighbors was living like that I would look to have them removed. That is a health issue, do you know how disease is spread and caused? If someone is a having mental issues they need to get help.
(If someone is a having mental issues they need to get help.) exactly my point I just dont agree with calling them dirty pigs etc The end
normbac said:
(If someone is a having mental issues they need to get help.) exactly my point I just dont agree with calling them dirty pigs etc The end

And some people live in filth because they are LAZY. No reason we need to be exposed to their filth.
Walk a mile in my shoes. One of my coworkers made a lefthand turn in the snow and killed his wife and both kids hit by a tractor trailor broadside for a one second mistake. Dont be so quick to judge. Until youve walked in my shoes.
On a flip side of this I do work for a pet resort from time to time. They have two sets of kennels with 50 pens per kennel. Each pen, I'm sorry, each suite has a tv tuned into animal planet. Some one checks the suits every 30 min. and if needed it is washed out. Not to bad to work in as long as you can get over 50 dogs barking at one time. As far as the OP, dont think so. If the person doesn't care any more about them selves than that I am sure the animals are not cared for as far as vaccinations and the sort. There is no telling what,no matter how much you wash your hands and such, you are taking home on you clothing. Marc is correct in saying she can live like she wants, but you nor I have to work in it. I would say I'm sorry but I will not work in these conditions. If it hurts their feelings or makes them mad big deal. It's like a mountain they will get over it.
quogueelectric said:
Walk a mile in my shoes. One of my coworkers made a lefthand turn in the snow and killed his wife and both kids hit by a tractor trailor broadside for a one second mistake. Dont be so quick to judge. Until youve walked in my shoes.

What does this have to do with some lazy woman who won't clean her house and live in filth? What I don't understand is why she bothered to have someone fix the receptacle. I know of peole who live like this and they are not mentally disturbed from some terrible mistake they made they are simply discusting humans who are lazy.

the OP wanted to know what we would have done. I would have fixed her receptacle, collected my money and called Animal control to have the lady fined and have the animals removed where they can live in a clean enviornment. Then called the health department and filed a complaint. If you want to live like a wild animal find someplace suitable for that.
bikeindy said:
What does this have to do with some lazy woman who won't clean her house and live in filth? What I don't understand is why she bothered to have someone fix the receptacle. I know of peole who live like this and they are not mentally disturbed from some terrible mistake they made they are simply discusting humans who are lazy.

the OP wanted to know what we would have done. I would have fixed her receptacle, collected my money and called Animal control to have the lady fined and have the animals removed where they can live in a clean enviornment. Then called the health department and filed a complaint. If you want to live like a wild animal find someplace suitable for that.
Maybe you missed your calling and should be animal control with a brown bear in the garbage.
I don't have a problem with the pictures for a few reasons. One, they are anonymous in the sense that there is nothing in them that reveals the identity of the person or even the identity of the home. And two, by allowing someone in her home she invited scrutiny of the home and how she lives.
bikeindy said:
I know of peole who live like this and they are not mentally disturbed from some terrible mistake they made they are simply discusting humans who are lazy.
Hey, some of us are mentally disturbed. :grin:
Until youve walked in my shoes

It is not your shoes I am worried about, it is getting doo doo on my shoes.

Their is a genuine health risk with people living like this and it could be my/your/ours health at risk.

When I lived in the city a mayor's aid and community , an up standing citizen was busted for living like this. Actually he had moved out it got so bad. Animals were in horrid condition when someone figured out what was going on. 2 Years later same thing different house.

Claimed he was an animal lover.
I have read through this thread a couple times and the whole mention of mental health didnt come up until Normbac brought it up out of the blue, I dont really get the connection of the family being killed and mental health and all with a dirty catbox, this thread has become really weird:-?
I think what norm and I were saying is that there may be a reason other than laziness that this woman's life is in a bit of disarray. Someone locked in their room can be a classic sign of depression or mental illness. She may be suffering from some tragedy in her life --- we just don't know.

I have seen many homes like this where the place was a mess but usually the ho is not locked away in their room. It is sad to say the least- not something to be laughed about.

Besides what does this thread have to do with electricity---It just brings out our electrical personalities.....
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