Where to look for quality employees

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I like this. This does work. Hiring and firing till you get a keeper.

yeah, it works well with employers as well...

in an economy where there is enough work to go around.
this isn't one of those. so you can get away with this attitude.
for a while anyway.

but i'd like to see the look on your face to have a whole
crew walk off the job you were running, leaving you with
nobody to do the work, and liquidated damages.

as the saying goes.... how you treat the least of us, is how
you'll get treated. eventually.
By management problem do you mean a lack of leadership or that the employee never should have been hired in the first place? We had to man up for a larger project this year and as for the ones who had to be let go it seems like my inexperience in interviewing people (it was the first time I was put in that position) lead to people getting hired that should not have been.

It is often both.

Managers almost always hire people based on appearance and how well they talk. They ofetn do not even seem to care whether the new hiree can do the work or not.

Then they throw them out in the deep end on their own and see if they can swim or not. Some people handle that situation OK, others drown.

IMO, it is unfair to take especially a new guy and just throw him into something without a lot of direct guidance, what used to be commonly called supervision. There are a lot of companies where there is a lot of management (too many MBAs IMO) but very little in the way of supervision or leadership.
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