Which columun do you use with SE-R

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In the 2008 NEC handbook, has there been a change, to which columun
do you size your cable when used inside a house.

1) to a free stand electric stove So what size numbe for 50 amps.

2) to a sub-panel
Which columun do you use with SE-R

Thnaks infinity for your answer. I have a another question.

310-16, 60 degree column. Your answer.

Does include feeders, or only branch circuit?.

Example: a feeder to a sub-panel.

Example: a feeder for an exterior meter socket combo with disconnect,
to interior main lug onl panel.

Many thanks.
The 60 degree column applies to all branch circuits. It will apply to all sub panel feeders that do not carry the complete load of the building.

It may or may not apply to your MLO panel, it will depend if AHJ believes 310.15 supercedes 334.80. If you do a quick search here you find a lot of info on the subject. Opinions will vary on that main panel.
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