which sw and where to put it

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As the attached diagram shows, two 3-way switches are controlling four light fixtures.
The fixtures are lettered a through d. I will keep this set up, but'
also to this set up add a switch to control as paired fixtures C and D away from fixtures a and b.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could tell me what type of additional switch do I need,
and where I should place it in the circuit?



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You can't just add a switch and have it separately control 2 fixtures while those 2 fixtures turn on with 2 others from switches elsewhere.
As the attached diagram shows, two 3-way switches are controlling four light fixtures.
The fixtures are lettered a through d. I will keep this set up, but'
also to this set up add a switch to control as paired fixtures C and D away from fixtures a and b.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could tell me what type of additional switch do I need,
and where I should place it in the circuit?


It is unclear exactly what you hope to accomplish. You can install a single pole switch on the load side of the three way, as in parallel the black wire from the left hand switch and run a new hot and neutral to light fixtures C and D. In this case, your three way allows all four lights to turn on or off, the second switch determines whether C and D turn on or off with A and B or just stay off.
The cheapest simplest way I know to control A and B separate from C and D is basically double the diagram, i.e. have two three ways in box one, two in the second, and 2 switchlegs. I would pull the switchlegs from the box on the right as a matter of preference and ease of wiring (evens out box fill vs 3 cables in 1 and 1 in the other).
IMO, the OP wants to keep this set up and control the A & B light separately than C&D.

Without rewiring you can add a switch on the switch leg that goes to A&B but the 3ways have to be ON in order for you to control A&B.
IMO, the OP wants to keep this set up and control the A & B light separately than C&D.

Without rewiring you can add a switch on the switch leg that goes to A&B but the 3ways have to be ON in order for you to control A&B.

Maybe I havent had enough coffee yet, but I'm not seeing where in his diagram you could place a switch on the sole 12/2 switchleg to control just A+B, w/o rewiring anything.

eta: I see one place, but the switch would wind up in the ceiling or attic - how are you seeing it?
Sure you can.

no, you can't. Not by simply adding a switch.

He said he wants to "control" two of those lights with one switch (single pole?) while they are all four wire to two 3way switches.

Controlling means the ability to turn on AND off. And there isn't any wiring scenario where he could simply add a switch and achieve independent control while simultaneously having integrated control from the other two switches.

And that's what he asked - where to add the switch? It simply can't be done that way. It would require much more than that
Maybe I havent had enough coffee yet, but I'm not seeing where in his diagram you could place a switch on the sole 12/2 switchleg to control just A+B, w/o rewiring anything.

eta: I see one place, but the switch would wind up in the ceiling or attic - how are you seeing it?

I didn't see or interpret the OP as asking "solely adding a switch" or expecting to do it without any rewiring. If that is what he meant then I would sort of agree, but splitting hairs, putting the switch in the attic would still technically require some rewiring to cut it in to the circuit. So I guess the onus is on the OP to better clarify his desire.
Maybe I havent had enough coffee yet, but I'm not seeing where in his diagram you could place a switch on the sole 12/2 switchleg to control just A+B, w/o rewiring anything.

eta: I see one place, but the switch would wind up in the ceiling or attic - how are you seeing it?

If location was an issue then as it is the switches are on the ceiling or the lights are on the wall.

The 3ways have to be ON in order for my switches to operate. Otherwise it won't do anything.
yes' rewiring is an option, please reply

Here's how I'd do it:

1) Power (14/2, unless you really need a 20A circuit) comes into box #1 (your left side box), a 2 gang with 2 3 way switches.
2) 2 Sets of travelers (2 14/3 cables) from box #1 to box #2.
3) Box #2 (right side) is a 2 gang with 2 more 3 ways.
4) 2 14/2 feeds out to the lights from box #2, with one cable going to A and B lights, and the other to C and D.

All four lights can be controlled in banks of 2 from each switch. $20 more in material over what's pictured, maybe half an hour more time to wire it up. Done.

I could have wired this up in less time than it's taken me to respond on this and the last thread. It's really that easy.
Here's how I'd do it:

1) Power (14/2, unless you really need a 20A circuit) comes into box #1 (your left side box), a 2 gang with 2 3 way switches.
2) 2 Sets of travelers (2 14/3 cables) from box #1 to box #2.
3) Box #2 (right side) is a 2 gang with 2 more 3 ways.
4) 2 14/2 feeds out to the lights from box #2, with one cable going to A and B lights, and the other to C and D.

All four lights can be controlled in banks of 2 from each switch. $20 more in material over what's pictured, maybe half an hour more time to wire it up. Done.

I could have wired this up in less time than it's taken me to respond on this and the last thread. It's really that easy.

There you go simplifying things, you know that's not how we operate in here!

Think! There's got to be a harder way to do it!
Do you want lights A and B controlled by the 3 ways, and then C and D controlled by a completely separate switch?

I gathered that he wants all 4 to be controlled by the three-way switches, and then only 2 of them to also be controlled by a separate switch.

I'm thinking he needs "mind reader" switches which will automatically discern his intentions and turn on only the lights he's thinking about
There you go simplifying things, you know that's not how we operate in here!

Think! There's got to be a harder way to do it!


and there is:


eta for the OP: the two 14/3s between boxes, only use one neutral. The other could be re-identified black so you have permanent power at box #2 for any future use - another advantage over what you pictured.
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