which sw and where to put it

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How about bbeell giving us a logic table showing the two groups of lights and the three switches. It would show all possible combinations of switch handle positions and the results he expects each position to have on the lights. :happyyes:

yes, very simple

yes, very simple

The cheapest simplest way I know to control A and B separate from C and D is basically double the diagram, i.e. have two three ways in box one, two in the second, and 2 switchlegs. I would pull the switchlegs from the box on the right as a matter of preference and ease of wiring (evens out box fill vs 3 cables in 1 and 1 in the other).

yes very simple
Here's how I'd do it:

1) Power (14/2, unless you really need a 20A circuit) comes into box #1 (your left side box), a 2 gang with 2 3 way switches.
2) 2 Sets of travelers (2 14/3 cables) from box #1 to box #2.
3) Box #2 (right side) is a 2 gang with 2 more 3 ways.
4) 2 14/2 feeds out to the lights from box #2, with one cable going to A and B lights, and the other to C and D.

All four lights can be controlled in banks of 2 from each switch. $20 more in material over what's pictured, maybe half an hour more time to wire it up. Done.

I could have wired this up in less time than it's taken me to respond on this and the last thread. It's really that easy.

so simple, thanks
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