who owns the tools you use

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Rewire said:
I always thought it funny that a no-dog was not on the tool list but you could buy one at the hall from the BA
I do not speak for the entire Ibew. But here, we have a "suggested" tool list. You can have and carry tools not on the list(most do). IMO, if it doesn't fit in a two foot long tool bag or a five gallon bucket, you should not be expected to provide it "every day". And before anyone misconstrues my words I would like to add one thing. I have a company van and gas card, I purchased many of the tools (that are not on the list) that I haul around allday.
On the stricly economic side of things, how can guys be productive without even a small hand drill. How much money do contractors want to lose by having guys(on the clock) running around without tools. Contractors who do not provide power tools are chasing pennies and letting the dollars slip away.
I personally provide my own tools completely..my own cordless, hammer drill, jig saw, sawzall, corded drill, benders, fish tapes, ect.. the whole works..just because i have them and they grow old with or with out being used..we do not require you to own them..you get them assigned and you are responsible for them please treat them like you own them thank You...:)

So you could require all kinds of stuff but penny wise and dollar foolish leaves bad taste in employees mouth..If employee finds tool that he likes and buys and really is efficient for shop to own we buy them for everyone..he keeps his we agree if it is damaged we replace it like we do with other tools and give him some cash for the idea..everyone happy..happy employees make productive employees productive employees make good business..that is good management
electricalperson said:
every single tool i use at my job is mine. i have my own hole hawg, meters, megger, hole punch up to 1-1/4,sockets, etc. only thing the company provides is pipe benders and snakes. i also use my own fish sticks. im even on my second 36 volt dewalt kit...

Same here, I work for myself, when I get called for a service and don't have the right tool, running to the supply house doesn't cut it.
On the other hand, no one, I mean no one borrows my tools. I hate saying no, but it is how it is. No hard feelings:cool:
I don't mind furnishing tools, the heartburn starts when my tools are abused, "lost", and stolen. Most men would not use a boring bit still in the chuck as a pry bar, or the back of a drill as a hammer if it were their own tool, but think nothing of doing it to mine.

How come when I buy $250 14v cordless Bosh drills they get "lost" or stolen to the tune of about 3 per month, but when I buy $79 skill cordless drills there has not been one "lost" in over a year?

If there were more accountability, there would be more and better tools for my crews.
The company Im with gives a list of handtools you need to have, then provide $200 /yr tool allow to purch any handtools / boots / whatever job related. I have my own hand tools / sockets / klein ratchet cutters / fish sticks / self level laser etc.. All power and other crap is provided by them, that way you can beat the crap outta it and then get another one.:)
I require my employees to furnish thier own tools. The reason for this is they will take care of thier own tool better than mine. I will go out and buy all the tool they need and finance for no intrest and they can pay me back at 25.00 a week. I furnish ladders because I dont want anyone using a ragged looking ladder on one of my jobs. If they break a tool on the job I have no problem repairing it for them. If they hand me a worn out drill bit I will give them a new one. If they loose it its on them. My guys seem to like owning thier own tools.
76nemo said:
With you guys who do service work, does your company at least buy all of your PPE?
my company doesnt give us PPE gear. we have a set sitting at a place that would like us to wear it. my company doesnt even have a set in the shop. i worked in 800 amp 480v 3 phase panels with no ppe gear what so ever. im ashamed to say that but thats how it is. i dont know what a set cost but i want to get some someday for myself. i cant believe i just admitted to putting myself at such a risk of being burned alive. but on the bright side i do wear insulated gloves when i tie in services after i finish changing them:roll:
djohns6 said:
I'm fortunate . My company buys everything except my jeans , underwear , and shoes . :D

We all have a few personal tools in our bags and toolboxes though .

My company provides uniforms, $100 a year towards boot purchase and all tools. I still have about $500 worth of personal tools that they don't think are necessary on my truck, just for convenience.
hockeyoligist2 said:
My company provides uniforms, $100 a year towards boot purchase and all tools. I still have about $500 worth of personal tools that they don't think are necessary on my truck, just for convenience.
my company said my meter is a waste of money. same with my megger. same with any tool i have. cordless dremel for removing red paint from steel beams? WASTE OF MONEY! anyone wonder why i want to leave?
ITO said:
4" KO set is excessive IMHO, but I would like to see cordless screw guns as part of a Journeyman's tool list.
I agree. Most of the EC's I worked for it was part of your tool list even for apprentices. IMHO most guys dont take care of them as well if they own it. And they can get expensive especially when chargers and batteries get left behind on jobs.
We have a tool list as well. It is quite surprising to see how long drills will last now that people own them. The company does replace any broken tool. My general rule is "Any tool that that streamlines the job... Is worth it."
When I worked for the trunk slammers...

When I worked for the trunk slammers...

I provided almost all of it.

My dewalt 18V fat pack, the hole hog, one time the boss got mad and said we were going to have to supply ship augers too! I've even got a milwaukee hammer drill and portaband for work.

He had a box of almost 100 dull ship augers, I just sharpened those up like a razor and threw them in my caddy.

I've got tackle boxes for rough and trim full of misc parts, like say hooking up a furnace and such.

The point is: after acquiring every possible combination of tools for new construction residential, remodel, and some small TI jobs, Hell, I've never wanted for tools or misc. parts when doing a side job.

After crossing over and sticking to the tool list, most of my goodies are idle in the garage.
electricalperson said:
my company doesnt give us PPE gear. we have a set sitting at a place that would like us to wear it. my company doesnt even have a set in the shop. i worked in 800 amp 480v 3 phase panels with no ppe gear what so ever. im ashamed to say that but thats how it is. i dont know what a set cost but i want to get some someday for myself. i cant believe i just admitted to putting myself at such a risk of being burned alive. but on the bright side i do wear insulated gloves when i tie in services after i finish changing them:roll:

Never be ashamed of admitting anything. Be ashamed of not being willing to change.

My guys supply basic hand tools, I buy them anything else they want. I was replacing their hand tools as broke or were lost. But it got ridiculous with some guys buying screwdrivers every week, so I stopped that perk.

Sockets, torque wrenches, wrenches are all on me.
electricalperson said:
my company said my meter is a waste of money. same with my megger. same with any tool i have. cordless dremel for removing red paint from steel beams? WASTE OF MONEY! anyone wonder why i want to leave?

You're a better man than I. If someone threw something that ignorant on my lap, somebody's feelings are going to be hurt. Does your company not double check installs and do service work:-?
76nemo said:
You're a better man than I. If someone threw something that ignorant on my lap, somebody's feelings are going to be hurt. Does your company not double check installs and do service work:-?
i double check my work no matter how many times ive done it or no matter what someone else thinks. doesnt really matter to me if the boss is yelling because im checking a feeder i just pulled in with a megger
76nemo said:
Never be ashamed of admitting anything. Be ashamed of not being willing to change.

trust me if something is not safe im not doing it. whats more important, my life or 1000 dollars for a PPE kit and spending a few minutes testing
electricalperson said:
trust me if something is not safe im not doing it. whats more important, my life or 1000 dollars for a PPE kit and spending a few minutes testing

Although some may not agree, that is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear from you or anyone!

Nicely said EP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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