Who rents portable stairs?

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Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
Need to get 20 feet up a building wall, without scheduling & waiting for manlift or boom delivery, or farming it out to a bucket truck.

I'd rather rent colapsable stairs on a trailer hitch. Anyone done this before?


Senior Member
new york
ramsy said:
Need to get 20 feet up a building wall, without scheduling & waiting for manlift or boom delivery, or farming it out to a bucket truck.

I'd rather rent colapsable stairs on a trailer hitch. Anyone done this before?
Build scaffold stairs you could go up 5 sections in an hour and an hour fastening to wall. 2 men


Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
Many thanks for that. A brilliant solution if I was staying in one place. I need to move it several places around the building and don't like scheduling & waiting for personel-lift rentals..


Senior Member
ramsy said:
Need to get 20 feet up a building wall, without scheduling & waiting for manlift or boom delivery, or farming it out to a bucket truck.

I'd rather rent colapsable stairs on a trailer hitch. Anyone done this before?

Why not rent a lift and hook it to your hitch?


Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
nakulak said:

Check out this description:
"The Airplane passenger stair was craned via the onboard 10 ton crane of the AN-124. This crane is situated in the back of the airplane."

Thats perfect.
Rent a 10 ton crane to move around my portable stairs. Who needs enemies with friends like this.

No hard feelings. I really do appreciate any effort. Even the humorus ones.
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Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
mdshunk said:
Some reason you can't use an extension ladder?

Yes there is. I dropped the first fixture using an extension ladder. Damned lid is 25 pounds of solid glass, and came right off its hinges into the hand that wasn't holding the ladder. Almost broke both of us into a million peices.


Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
mdshunk said:
Two hands for the company, lest you drop wallpack pieces. :)

If you mean use 2 hands to hold 25 lbs lense, while rolling over on my belly to cussion its fall, then I must tell you there would be no company left.

And, if my belly wasn't soft enough to protect that 25 pound glass, from a 25 foot fall, it would have been a double shame.


Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
480sparky said:
Why not rent a lift and hook it to your hitch?

Friday afternoon & all day Saturday no equipment rentals are open. I thought only bankers kept bankers hours.


Senior Member
Right here.
ramsy said:
If you mean use 2 hands to hold 25 lbs lense, while rolling over on my belly to cussion its fall, then I must tell you there would be no company left.
You've really got me scratching my head here. You've never had to take off a heavy wallpack lens that wasn't teathered or that had a broken teather? Take the lens or cover off, climb down the ladder and sit it on the ground, then climb back up and work on the thing. What am I missing here?


Roger Ruhle dba NoFixNoPay
LA basin, CA
Service Electrician 2020 NEC
mdshunk said:
You've never had to take off a heavy wallpack lens..

Thats correct. Never seen one, and never expected it come off its hinges.

I felt like Currious George in Iraq, first time on a unicycle, driving over an IED. Its the element of surprise.

mdshunk said:
Take the lens or cover off, climb down the ladder and sit it on the ground, then climb back up and work on the thing.

Not with one hand you dont. That thing was 16" x 16", way too big to get one arm around, much less balance with one flat palm while dancing down the ladder.

If the ladder was longer, I could have been on top of the fixture, and reached under for two hand removal. Is that what you are recommending. If so, I might try it again with a larger extension ladder, or two ladders and a helper.


Senior Member
Right here.
Ramsy, are you generally scared of working at heights? Not saying, just wondering. I still really still don't see the problem. Take the lens of with both hands, and either put it under one arm or grasp it by the edge with one hand and descend the ladder. I'm not sure what's so hard about this. Mountain out of a molehill.


Senior Member
they have a scaffolding device that attaches to 2 ladders..yet it takes two guys to install one on each ladder..wall packs are normal operating and most of the time the safty wire is cooked off when you go to make repair..I can see a 16 x 16 being kind of freaky if it is your first one ever..did you go up under it or along side of it..must of been along side of it..just get couple sections of scaffolding with wheels and set them up and roll them around the edge of the building..I do perferr the man lift myself if I have several to do..


Senior Member
ramsy said:
Friday afternoon & all day Saturday no equipment rentals are open. I thought only bankers kept bankers hours.

I understand that you may need to do the job on a weekend because of the conditions at the site, but if the rental outfits close on weekends, they surely aren't going to happily throw open their doors on Saturdays and Sundays on the off chance someone is going to darken their doorway for a set of stairs.

Either wait 'till Monday, or inform the customer that you can't finish the job until next weekend. Rent the stairs Friday at closing.
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