Who's coming with me? (TR receptacles)

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Pierre C Belarge said:
As far as the substantiation, I realize that children are getting blasted. They are also getting burned on stoves, falling down stairs (at even a greater rate than their incidents with receptacles) and some of those injuries are more serious than the results from receptacles.

That may be true Pierre, but for a moment put yourself in the CMPs place.

They have nothing to do with anything but electrical issues, they can not do anything about stoves or stairs but they can do something about a lot of these shocks.

No new product needed, nothing high tech, just a simple change requiring guarded receptacles.

I am sure the CMP did not say 'lets be the parents' I am sure they said....'Wow, we can do something that can make a big difference with little cost'.

Well anyway, it is now the law here in MA and will be soon in many other areas, only time will tell how it works out.

I am willing to bet it will do more good for less money then any AFCI.....
brantmacga said:
(In my best John Kerry accent) -

"Hello America, I'm PeterD. And I want you to know, that before I voted for tamper-resistant receptacles, I actually voted against them. We just didn't have all the facts at the time. But now I've voted for tamper resistant receptacles, and will not vote against them."


Well, thanks for raining on my parade guys. But I guess I'll survive......somehow. :(
If the NFPA was/is so bent on protecting the world, I would not be so adament about my stance. I do not believe that is so.
The jist of my statement is that he manufacturers are placing some of these proposals and it is for their behalf, not the poor defenseless consumer.

I still say that better parenting can control this issue and that consumers who do not have children in their homes should not be subject to this requirement. IT seems to me that as more an more code cycles go by, that more and more issues are being put forth by the manufacturers and seem to be accepted relatively easily by the CMPS. JMO

If the NFPA was so concerned about the consumer's safety, then the issues with sliding glass door, staircases and others that are far more serious ($$value of injuries), then they would have done something with their other codes that they are developing and trying to push out there.

As I have said, it is the manufacturers trying to line their pockets via the guise of being the heroes.
Pierre C Belarge said:
As far as the substantiation, I realize that children are getting blasted. They are also getting burned on stoves, falling down stairs (at even a greater rate than their incidents with receptacles) and some of those injuries are more serious than the results from receptacles.

I wonder what happened to parenting???? Yes, I have 3 children, so I know just what it is to be a responsible parent.
I am curious if the accident reports have a question for the parents: "where were you when your child got blasted... were you watching?"

For all those who say they do not want big brother telling us what to do, this is a perfect example of that.

What about all of those houses that will be occupied by families without children...they should have to put in TR-receptacles?

Guess how I feel about this topic? :wink:

The NFPA is honorable, but should not become our "big brother" and/or parent!

This, like other proposals passed, reeks of manufacturers getting too involved (Hint - their bottom line) in the NEC processs.

I agree with you 100%. WE do not need big brother watching over us to that degree.
Pierre C Belarge said:
If the NFPA was/is so bent on protecting the world, I would not be so adament about my stance. I do not believe that is so.
The jist of my statement is that he manufacturers are placing some of these proposals and it is for their behalf, not the poor defenseless consumer.

I still say that better parenting can control this issue and that consumers who do not have children in their homes should not be subject to this requirement. IT seems to me that as more an more code cycles go by, that more and more issues are being put forth by the manufacturers and seem to be accepted relatively easily by the CMPS. JMO

If the NFPA was so concerned about the consumer's safety, then the issues with sliding glass door, staircases and others that are far more serious ($$value of injuries), then they would have done something with their other codes that they are developing and trying to push out there.

As I have said, it is the manufacturers trying to line their pockets via the guise of being the heroes.

Amen brother!! its sad to see people taken in by this tr receptacles bit. the manufacturers have really gotten one over.
I don't view it that way , seems to me there used to be posters' etcetera around that read " Safety Is Everyones Business , Please Do your Part ".
I view that as a very accurate statement .

Carl :)
Pierre C Belarge said:
As I have said, it is the manufacturers trying to line their pockets via the guise of being the heroes.

Pierre, you know I am as cynical about peoples motives as anyone.

That said have you taken the time to read the entire proposal that got this into the NEC?

Maybe 'better parenting' could reduce the number of shocks, but the tamper resistant receptacles will reduce the number of shocks.

And that.....electrical safety...... is the entire reason the CMP comes together for.

I can't think of any reason a group charged with electrical safety should not pass a simply, inexpensively meet requirement.
emahler said:
i'm firmly against tr receptacles bring code....darwinism has served us well for thousands of years...now that we continuously protect the inept from themselves, look at what's happening to society...down with code required tr receptacles......


Now what do we do with all those "old" starter homes? Won't these have alot of children in them? With no GFCI and K&T and 2 wire rec?

What a JOKE!!

Coz the ones of us who actualy are going to install and charge for them...
Are going to be croaked out by the cut throat bastards!!!

You know who you are!

I like DARWIN.
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