Why Are You A Forum Member?

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Senior Member
At the risk of becomming Jerry McGuire after the presentation of his mission satement in the hotel lobby........

I, having recently joined this forum, have come to realize that I wish I had found it sooner.

I present a challenge for all members to respond.

1. What does this forum mean to you?

2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?

4. What would you say to new members?

5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero?
This part requires puckering up for arse kissing. :grin:
I'm catching what you're throwing.... :wink:

1. I don't watch TV anymore, this is way better entertainment.
Seriously, what else can be better than having 100+ open minded and some stubborn bunch o' guys with tons of experience scanning through the posts at all times to find your challenging question to answer
2. Well, again... I've learned a great deal about electrical installations in North Carolina.
3. I'll tell you what's not - posts by Rattus, there should be a separate forum for him - Advanced Mindpower Calculus Engineering Brainstorming
4. Stick around for sure, and you can grow up to be a regular member just like me. You do have to weed through my BS posts though, I'll keep 'em short.
There is a great deal of information here, and a great deal of intelligent people (yes, Rattus, I bow before you) willing to help and have fun with it
5. We can all only dream to become like Bob... Thanks for being here, the Chief Moderator.... and you too, FriZbeedog
mdshunk said:
Are you female, frizbee? Sounds like a woman, wanting to talk about her feelings.

No dude. All male. Don't be afraid of your feelings. :smile:

By the way your'e one of my heros. Can you hear that puckering? :grin:

Really, you have the most product knowlege I've seen. And dog gone it, you seem pretty smart too.

All respect Marc.
mdshunk said:
Here's a not-so-secret, secret. I Google well and I type fast. In person, I'm just as dumb as the next guy. :cool:

Don't cut yourself short, that's our job. :grin:

Now....let's talk about your feelings....
frizbeedog said:
Don't cut yourself short, that's our job. :grin:

Now....let's talk about your feelings....

Why do you want to feel Marc?:grin:

I'm like the some of the rest it's fun and interesting coming here. I have learned many things and had some good laughs. There have been post I have not agreed on but that is where open communication comes from, did some one make me change my way of seeing something, sometimes other times, no but it did make me think.
One of the best was getting to meet Roger and his lovely wife this past summer, and I hope to see him again this year ( kiss kiss:grin: :grin: ) although my wife said we needed a life besides walking around looking for code violations:roll:
1. What does this forum mean to you?


2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?

i'm somebody, sssshh :-?

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?

The humor, the wisdom and the beatings...i mean discussion :D

4. What would you say to new members?

listen, listen, listen and wear a hard hat. :D

5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero?

iwire is a god, check his posts, i think all the rest are heros :cool:

also, no tuition :cool: :cool:
frizbeedog said:
1. What does this forum mean to you?
This is a great place. Civility is valued, along with humor. I get to have conversations that I could not get in real life, as easily, delving into the depths of this Craft.
frizbeedog said:
2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?
Risking the first post, and continuing to post, and taking to heart the corrections on my use of terms. This has profoundly improved my take on the Code and informed what my hands do with the tools.
frizbeedog said:
3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?
The new posts.
frizbeedog said:
4. What would you say to new members?
Come on in, the water's fine. It may get a little roiled up, but, if I don't take myself too seriously, the water's great.
frizbeedog said:
5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero?
Not necessarily in order: All moderators, past, present and future. :) , the Webmaster (ghost in the machine), and Mike Holt for providing the bandwidth for this exquisite user generated resource.
1. What does this forum mean to you?

2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?

1 & 2-This place is great. Working in a manufacturing facility one tends to not get alot of outside contact with other people in the trade. Visiting here allows me to keep up with whats going on. As silly as it sounds, I can't count the number of calcs I have done from people questions. See it, scribble it down and then have to look up the formulas, solve it. Keeps me sharp. Problem is by the time I get back here someone else has already posted the answer with better explanations. Always learning something.

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?
The "discussions on plastic vs. metal". Personally I like stainless steel Nema 4X.

4. What would you say to new members?
Pictures are always cool!
Show that you have at least tried to solve the problem yourself. And the more info you provide, the better response you will get.

5. Heros...
Anybody with more posts than I do!
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I present a challenge for all members to respond.

1. What does this forum mean to you?

I think this forum is a great place to visit..I have enjoyed the conversation and so many of your posts have challenged me to become better..It has helped me to find more information quicker and cheaper..

2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?

you always grow with good information or atleast you should..you research the info and in the process you learn..

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?

the posts and evedrything associated with them..

4. What would you say to new members?

Welcome and enjoy yourself and don't take things here to serious it is just a bulliten board read if you like, respond if you like or just move on..

5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero? This part requires puckering up for arse kissing.

Oh no I don't a-- kiss..But there are to many members to list..But the one who deserves the most credit is MIke Holt he made this all possible..Thanks Man
1. What does this forum mean to you?

Good place to learn new things and share your knowledge in this vast field of ours.

2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?

I actually dont think it has, I have learned quite a bit about the NEC in here but that has nothing to do with my job.

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?

The moderators, they have found a near perfect balance of allowing some goofing off but not too much, the discussions are kept nearly on topic and the proper amount of harassment is allowed. Some forums are way too anal (So anal I couldnt even type anal without getting suspended), some are just gripe sessions with little technical content.

4. What would you say to new members?

Put where you live on your profile!! It helps to answer questions many times. Dont post a question and never come back to it, I hate when I type a 500 word answer and the person who asked the question never comes back.

5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero? This part requires puckering up for arse kissing.

The ones that can admit when they are wrong and the ones that submit references with thier answers. I have had enough of arguements based on what your buddy Ralph said.
Bad Title. 480sparky is right

Bad Title. 480sparky is right

480sparky said:
Why stop at new members? I'm sure these a lot of folks that have been around here a long time that can join in....:smile:

Your right. Bad title. It wasn't intended just for new members. My bad.

New title: Why Are You A Forum Member?

Can a moderator jump in and fix that? Thanx. :smile:
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