Why Are You A Forum Member?

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1. To me this forum represents some of the best people in the industry to trade ideas with and to gain knowledge from their experiances.

2. New things to think about when trouble shooting.

3. Probably the "fun" threads.

4. Welcome and don't be discouraged in posting.

5. The moderators for having to put up with all of us!! :grin: :grin:
Why Are You A Forum Member?

Where else can I get paid $100 for each post?
480sparky said:
Why stop at new members? I'm sure these a lot of folks that have been around here a long time that can join in....:smile:

Yeah, I am one of those guys.

It's kinda of odd, I feel like I could walk in a room and pick alot of the members out.

Thanks for the notion, I think I will start today.:cool:
I'm a forum member because: I thought that after I bought a Mike Holt product I was required to use the forum (?)
1. What does this forum mean to you?

Keeps me busy.

2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?

Gives me insight into NEC.

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?

I like to browse most sections power quality and grounding are my top 2.

4. What would you say to new members?

Do not let the humor or cranky response scare you off. ASK THAT QUESTION or you'll never know the right way. The old saying there are no dumb questions.

5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero?

Everyone that post here is important to the on going discussions.
frizbeedog said:
1. What does this forum mean to you?
A chance to learn, and to understand that I definately need to learn more.
frizbeedog said:
2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?
By making me more aware of Codes I'm not familiar with, and lot of business-related topics as well.
frizbeedog said:
3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?
The comeraderie (sp?). We may disagree on things, but we don't resort to childish behaviour when we do. And the humor's not that bad either! :grin:
frizbeedog said:
4. What would you say to new members?
Come one... come all.... and come often. There's a deep well of knowledge here, and if you're serious about learning, and improving yourself in this craft, this is one place to be!
frizbeedog said:
5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero?
Those who can post "See Article xxx.xx" or "Section zzzz of the UL White Book." before I even have a chance of reading (let alone comprehending) the OP.

langjahr@comcast.net said:
Where else can I get paid $100 for each post?
Until some cheap GC comes along and will only pay you $25 because he hires trunk-slammers!
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1. It's the best place to stay on top of your NEC game.

2. The more you understand the NEC the better, faster, more profitable you become

3. NEC, Grounding & Bonding, Electrical Calcs & Engineering

4. I tell them the fastest way to understand this trade is this Forum. 1 hr/day

5. The super heros are many here, they give referenced answers to Posters

of any race, creed, sex, political party, or experence in the trade, for free,

just to help them out.
I'm new to this forum also. When reading all the posts sometimes I can't believe the things I have forgotten over the years. I like this forum so much because it helps keep me on my toes and I realize I need more than a code change review every three years to keep up with IMO the fastest changing trade there is.
Favorite part of forum?


I wish I knew of the forum a couple of summers ago when I was digging a putrefying raccoon from a pad-mounted dry 480V transformer...I would have taken some photos you would have loved :rolleyes:

I also like the knowledge I can get from the forum that helps me perform maintenance safer, and I can talk to our EC a little more intelligently when we have projects to be done.

Did I mention pictures?
At the risk of becomming Jerry McGuire after the presentation of his mission satement in the hotel lobby........

stretching my memory with that !!!!
I, having recently joined this forum, have come to realize that I wish I had found it sooner.
I can't put it in ten words or less!
I present a challenge for all members to respond.
1. What does this forum mean to you?
Your second Question

2. How has it helped you become better at your trade?
I can't put it in ten words or less!

3. What are your favorite parts of this forum?
I can't put it in ten words or less!

4. What would you say to new members?
I can't put it in ten words or less!

5. What members are deserving of the status of Super Hero?

The thought provoking Poster!
I joined while studying for an Exam, and I've been hooked since. My wife doesnt' understand what I get outta this, kinda like pointed out violations while we're eating out dinner, but oh well. There's a lot of knowlegable people on here and I'm always learnin
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