why is a 3way sw called a 3way not a 2way

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The blue collar guys I've worked with always call them
"To Wah",
"Thee Wah",
"Fo Wah" switches.

When we all get hot and sweaty,
we just call them what we see.
2 wires, 3 wires, and 4 wires.

Charlie Beck,

I like this answer. P.E. guys always have good views.

Right to say that switches can be used frontwards and backwards.

The switch doesn't care, as long as the functional logic is right.

Charlie and Bikeindy have given intelligent thought to their answers. I'll use both of those in the future. Most "not all" of the other reply's are a waste of everyones time to read. I read these threads for what I can learn, as I am sure most others do also. How many electricians join this forum and then drop out? I have met, and worked with hundreds of electricians, recommend this site to all. Quite a few were already familiar with it, but considered it a waste of time because of all the bogus comments. If a moderator is doing his job he would delete nonsense reply's.
RHJohnson said:
Most "not all" of the other reply's are a waste of everyones time to read. . . . If a moderator is doing his job he would delete nonsense reply's.
I was considering deleting yours, as it is nonsense.

But that is not what I consider my role to be. I am not here to make sure all answers are correct and complete, nor that all posted comments are on topic. I believe my role to to make sure nobody uses this site to advertise their own products and services or to obtain advice to support their side in a legal dispute. My role is also to make sure the discussions remain civil in tone, and that no member behaves in an unprofessional manner towards any other. Finally, my role is to issue warnings to members who come close to crossing the line of accepted behavior, and to ban members who actually cross that line.

Participating in this forum and moderating this forum are both voluntary tasks. Nobody gets paid for being here. What we get out of it is what we want to get out of it, and that is true as well for what we put into it. The man who pays for its operating costs wants an environment in which professionals can freely and openly exchange information and opinions. He is aware that harsh criticism and personal comments will interfere with that free exchange.

So consider yourself warned. Statements along the lines of "stop wasting our time" are themselves a waste of our time. Stay civil or find another information source.
RHJohnson, While I like to come here and find the correct answer, I also enjoy reading the "incorrect" answers. Sometimes what we initially think is incorrect winds up being a legitimate point of view that we just were not getting to start with. I think the broad spectrum of what we see posted here makes for an enjoyable site.

The depth of experience available by those that frequent this site will eventually correct the wrongs (most of them anyway, depending on your opinion). How can you understand the community you work in if you don't get to hear all sides? True, we would like to go straight to the gurus when we need an answer, but the exchanges here between the novice and expert often lead to many interesting insights and debates.

If you want a straight boring answer, go read a book. If you want an answer with the opportunity to learn even more and interact with some of the best our industry has to offer, come here.
I used my own deductive reasoning, 1 fixture(s) controlled by 1 switch=2 way, 2 location for activity. 2 switchs 1 fixture(s) =3 way, 3 locations of activity. 3 switchs 1 fixture(s) 4 locations of activity where a 4-way is used. but get confused when you get 4 switchs and 1 fixture(s), that's not a 5 way. I get asked this question at times and bs'em by saying its just trade talk. just a thot
Im thinking Charlie B is as right as you can get..............Im going with that one..........Im so glad Im not the only one that wonders about things like this.
I stopped wondering about this a long time ago. 3 way is the common name and any electrician will know what we are talking about. Its only the DIY's who get confused.
If a moderator is doing his job he would delete nonsense reply's.

Like yours?

Lighten up Francis. The world doesn't revolve around you. You don't HAVE to read the nonsense.....do you?
XXX Rated - Adults Only

XXX Rated - Adults Only

I should have known my comments would upset a few. Actually I did, but thought it was worth saying what I did.
The waste of time I was referring to was not those reply's which actually were comments on what that person understood. They refer to the replies which were actually a non-reply, or just a smart remark, and do not further any understanding or advance the discussion. I too would like to know what is the correct, or actual reason why we call them 3 way and 4 way. Not that it really makes any difference.

As far as not reading the nonsense remarks - you don't know they are nonsense until you already read them.
Three way switches are called so because there are three positions....remember, they are wired in pairs.

1) On

2) Off from switch nearest line

3) Off from switch nearest load

Add 'Off from traveler' for an additional (4 way) switch. The '4th' way remains the same no matter how many 4 way switches are in the circuit.

A one way switch cannot exist, but a 2 way can. We just don't call On/Off switches two ways for some reason.

I realize that this explanation is far from being the most logical, but it is the best I can come up with.
K8MHZ said:
Three way switches are called so because there are three positions....remember, they are wired in pairs.

1) On

2) Off from switch nearest line

3) Off from switch nearest load

Add 'Off from traveler' for an additional (4 way) switch. The '4th' way remains the same no matter how many 4 way switches are in the circuit.

A one way switch cannot exist, but a 2 way can. We just don't call On/Off switches two ways for some reason.

I realize that this explanation is far from being the most logical, but it is the best I can come up with.

Two three ways would have four positions.

1 up 2 up
1 up 2 down
1 down 2 up
1 down 2 down
K8MHZ said:
I understand but two of those positions would be 'on'.

I never stated there was absolute logic to this!


3-ways are not always wired in pairs. A 3-way is a SPDT, so you could use a single 3-way to take power to one of two loads.
480sparky said:
3-ways are not always wired in pairs. A 3-way is a SPDT, so you could use a single 3-way to take power to one of two loads.

Good point. I should have thought of that as I have used them as antenna switches in that very configuration.

Well, since there seems to be no rhyme nor reason for calling three terminal switches three way switches I am going to change my terminology (yuk, yuk) and start calling them three terminal switches.

I love this site!!
Seeing were on the subject does anyone remember the lighthouse wiring test from school? 1st fl has single pole or is it the top fl? Anyway then the rest of the floors have 3-ways. Go up to 2nd floor hit that switch and turn on the 3rd floor light and leaves on 2nd floor light. Hit 3rd floor 3-way and shuts off the second floor light and turns on the 4th and so on. I ask because I was trying to find this again to give it to a apprentice but it was years ago. Does anyone remember this?

They call it a 3 way because of the three terminals on the switch. You should try trade school!

Do not get me wrong schooling is important, and on this issue you might be right. But so many of the young apprentices have misconceptions about the trade that originate with misinformation provided by their instructors.
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